- FER2013
- Download the dataset from here
- CK+
- Download the dataset from here
- Run the script cutface.py with the -p / --path argument
- python cutface.py -p path/to/dataset/folder
- Generate the dataset yourself
- python 3.6
- requests (downloaded with pip, "pip install requests")
- OpenCV (downloaded with pip, latest version)
The dataset is generated using Microsofts Cognitive Services API, specifically, Bing Image Search API, so you should get an API key from here
Run the python script dataset_prep.py with the following flags arguments:
-o / --output path/to/desired/output/directory
-k / --key API key
python dataset_prep.py -o path/to/desired/output/directory -k YOUR_KEY_HERE
This script should download the photos into the output directory
Next, you should look over the folders and remove pictures that are not suitble, even though the next script should probably take care of such pictures.
run the cutface.py script with the -p / --path argument. This would grayscale the images and cut the faces from the pictures, removing the old pictures in the process.
python cutface.py -p path/to/dataset/folder
Note: I got preety poor results using this method, opencv did not manage to cut the faces very well and i got lots of false positives, it will probably be better to use existing datasets if possible
you should use the dataset using the EmotionDataset
class found in emotion_dataset_class.py and in conjunction with pytorch's DataLoader class like so:
# define transforms over dataset
transform = torchvision.transforms.Compose(
# For FER2013 this should be the path to the csv file
# For CK+ this shold be the path to the directory containing the 'cohn-kanade-images' and 'Emotion' directories
# For the generated dataset this should be the path to the directory containing a directory for each emotion
path = 'path\\to\\dataset'
# can either be 'FER2013', 'CK+'. anything else use take the generated dataset
dataset_type = 'CK+'
# can either be 'Training' or 'Validation'
split = 'Training'
# define dataset
dataset = EmotionDataset(path,
# create data loader
training_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=1, num_workers=4)
- Python 3.6
- OpenCV (downloaded with pip)
- Pytorch (1.1 was used, should work with newer versions)
All the scripts require two things:
- Weights of the face detection NN (in the utils folder)
- Weights of the emotion recognition NN (download from here)
Getting predictions on a folder filled with images
Run the following command
python recognize_files.py --emotion /utils --face path/to/emotion/net/weights --images path/to/image/folder
You could also set the averaging method by adding the flag --method Hard/Soft/Deep. default is Soft
You could also set the confidence threshold for the face recognition dnn by adding the flag --threshold, default is 0.5
Getting predictions from the camera
Run the following command
python recognize_from_camera.py --emotion /utils --face path/to/emotion/net/weights
It uses the first available camera, on a laptop that will be the laptop builtin camera, To other cameras add the flag --camera <camera_num>, 0 for first camera, then 1,2,3...
This script is used in this manner: At first, it displayes images from the camera, to capture an image press 'y'. After an image was captured the model will calculate a prediction over it and display the prediction. pressing 'a' will return to the capture screen and pressing 'q' will exit the script.
The training uses the FER2013 dataset, it assumes you the fer2013.csv file in the current working directory Run
python train.py
The script saves a file called fer2013_model.pt
which holds the weights of the trained model.