This system extracts, processes, and structures business domain knowledge from various documents into a knowledge graph. The system uses a step-by-step processing pipeline with version control and user validation at each stage.
Domain Management
- Organizes knowledge by business domains (e.g., gas bottle sales, medical equipment)
- Each domain maintains its own set of documents and processing history
- Supports domain-specific terminology and validation rules
Processing Pipeline
- Sequential processing steps with version control
- User validation and iteration capability at each step
- Chat-based interaction for modifications and improvements
Document Parsing
- Converts input documents to markdown format
- Maintains original document structure
- Output: Structured markdown files
Entity Extraction
- Identifies domain-specific entities
- Extracts relationships between entities
- Output: JSON/JSONL files containing entities and relationships
Entity Merging
- Combines entities from multiple documents
- Resolves conflicts and duplicates
- Output: Consolidated entity list with relationships
Entity Grouping
- Organizes entities into logical groups
- Establishes hierarchy and relationships
- Output: Grouped entity structure
Ontology Generation
- Creates domain-specific ontology
- Defines entity types and relationships
- Output: Domain ontology file
Knowledge Graph Generation
- Builds final knowledge graph
- Incorporates all processed information
- Output: Complete domain knowledge graph
Domain ||--o{ ProcessRun : "has many"
ProcessRun ||--|{ ProcessStep : "contains"
File }|--o{ ProcessRun : "used in"
Domain {
UUID domain_id PK
string name
ProcessRun {
UUID run_id PK
UUID domain_id FK
string status
string error
timestamp created_at
int version
ProcessStep {
UUID step_id PK
UUID run_id FK
string step_type
string status
string input_path
string output_path
string error
timestamp created_at
UUID previous_step_id FK
File {
UUID file_id PK
UUID domain_id FK
string filepath
timestamp uploaded_at
- Represents a specific business domain
- Contains all related files and processing runs
- Represents one complete processing attempt
- Maintains version control for the entire process
- Tracks overall status and errors
- Individual steps in the processing pipeline
- Maintains input and output file paths
- Links to previous versions for history tracking
- Tracks uploaded documents
- Maintains file paths and metadata
flowchart TD
%% Main Navigation Nodes
login[Login Screen]
dash[Domain Dashboard]
dwork[Domain Knowledge Workspace]
kgraph[Knowledge Graph]
uconfig[User Settings]
dconfig[Domain Settings]
sconfig[System Settings]
%% Dashboard Elements and Links
subgraph "Domain Dashboard"
dash --> dlist[Domain List<br>- Gas Bottle Sales<br>- Medical Equipment<br>- Industrial Cleaning<br>etc.]
dash --> metrics[Domain Knowledge Metrics<br>- Entities Count<br>- Relationships<br>- Coverage Areas]
dash --> recent[Recent Activities]
dlist --> dnew[+ New Domain]
%% Domain Workspace Elements
subgraph "Domain Knowledge Workspace"
dwork --> vis1[Visualization Area]
dwork --> chat1[Chat Interface]
dwork --> docs[Document Manager<br>- Industry Standards<br>- Process Documents<br>- Market Reports]
dwork --> steps[Knowledge Extraction Steps]
steps --> s1[1. Parse Documents]
steps --> s2[2. Extract Domain Entities<br>- Products<br>- Processes<br>- Stakeholders]
steps --> s3[3. Merge Knowledge]
steps --> s4[4. Group Concepts]
steps --> s5[5. Create Domain Ontology]
steps --> s6[6. Generate Knowledge Graph]
%% Knowledge Graph Elements
subgraph "Knowledge Graph View"
kgraph --> gvis[Domain Knowledge Visualization]
kgraph --> filters[Knowledge Filters<br>- Entity Types<br>- Relationship Types<br>- Process Flows]
kgraph --> export[Export Options]
kgraph --> layers[View Layers<br>- Core Concepts<br>- Processes<br>- Relationships]
%% Settings Pages
subgraph "Settings"
uconfig --> uprefs[UI Preferences]
uconfig --> uacc[Account Settings]
dconfig --> dent[Domain Entity Types]
dconfig --> dterm[Domain Terminology]
dconfig --> dval[Domain Validation Rules]
sconfig --> sproc[Processing Settings]
sconfig --> sapi[API Configuration]
sconfig --> sstore[Storage Settings]
%% Main Navigation Links
dash --> dwork
dwork --> kgraph
%% Settings Access Links
dash --> uconfig
dash --> sconfig
dwork --> dconfig
dwork --> uconfig
kgraph --> dconfig
%% Return Links
dwork --> dash
kgraph --> dwork
uconfig --> dash
dconfig --> dwork
sconfig --> dash
%% Styling
classDef mainPage fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef subPage fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
classDef configPage fill:#bfb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
class dash,dwork,kgraph mainPage
class dlist,docs,gvis,filters subPage
class uconfig,dconfig,sconfig configPage
The system provides a chat-based interface for interaction:
Main Views
- Domain Dashboard: Overview of all domains and their status
- Domain Workspace: Processing interface with visualization and chat
- Knowledge Graph View: Final graph visualization and export
Interaction Model
- Chat-based interface for all operations
- Natural language processing for user commands
- Interactive visualizations of processing results
User Validation
- Each processing step can be validated via chat
- Users can request modifications or improvements
- System generates new versions based on feedback
- Files are stored in local storage or S3
- Only file paths are stored in the database
- Organized by domain and processing step
- Version control through separate files for each process run
User Configuration
- UI preferences
- Default views
- Notification settings
Domain Configuration
- Entity types
- Validation rules
- Terminology standards
System Configuration
- Processing parameters
- Storage settings
- API configurations
flowchart TD
subgraph Domain Creation
start[Start] --> create_domain[Create Domain]
create_domain --> create_version[Create Domain Version]
create_version --> upload[Upload Files]
subgraph Pipeline Setup
upload --> init_pipeline[Initialize Processing Pipeline]
init_pipeline --> create_parse[Create ParseVersion]
subgraph Processing Steps
create_parse --> run_parse[Run Parse]
run_parse --> |Success| update_parse[Update Current Parse Version]
update_parse --> create_extract[Create ExtractVersion]
create_extract --> run_extract[Run Extract]
run_extract --> |Success| update_extract[Update Current Extract Version]
update_extract --> create_merge[Create MergeVersion]
create_merge --> run_merge[Run Merge]
run_merge --> |Success| update_merge[Update Current Merge Version]
update_merge --> create_group[Create GroupVersion]
create_group --> run_group[Run Group]
run_group --> |Success| update_group[Update Current Group Version]
update_group --> create_onto[Create OntologyVersion]
create_onto --> run_onto[Run Ontology]
run_onto --> |Success| update_onto[Update Current Ontology Version]
update_onto --> create_graph[Create GraphVersion]
create_graph --> run_graph[Run Graph]
run_graph --> |Success| update_graph[Update Current Graph Version]
subgraph User Iteration
update_parse --> |User Feedback| new_parse[Create New Parse Version]
new_parse --> run_parse
update_extract --> |User Feedback| new_extract[Create New Extract Version]
new_extract --> run_extract
update_merge --> |User Feedback| new_merge[Create New Merge Version]
new_merge --> run_merge
update_group --> |User Feedback| new_group[Create New Group Version]
new_group --> run_group
update_onto --> |User Feedback| new_onto[Create New Ontology Version]
new_onto --> run_onto
update_graph --> |User Feedback| new_graph[Create New Graph Version]
new_graph --> run_graph
subgraph Error Handling
run_parse --> |Error| error_parse[Log Parse Error]
run_extract --> |Error| error_extract[Log Extract Error]
run_merge --> |Error| error_merge[Log Merge Error]
run_group --> |Error| error_group[Log Group Error]
run_onto --> |Error| error_onto[Log Ontology Error]
run_graph --> |Error| error_graph[Log Graph Error]
error_parse --> retry_parse[Retry/Update Parse]
error_extract --> retry_extract[Retry/Update Extract]
error_merge --> retry_merge[Retry/Update Merge]
error_group --> retry_group[Retry/Update Group]
error_onto --> retry_onto[Retry/Update Ontology]
error_graph --> retry_graph[Retry/Update Graph]
subgraph New Domain Version
update_graph --> |Major Changes| new_version[Create New Domain Version]
new_version --> copy_files[Copy/Add Files]
copy_files --> init_pipeline
classDef process fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef userAction fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef error fill:#fbb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
class run_parse,run_extract,run_merge,run_group,run_onto,run_graph process;
class new_parse,new_extract,new_merge,new_group,new_onto,new_graph userAction;
class error_parse,error_extract,error_merge,error_group,error_onto,error_graph error;
Document Upload
- Files are uploaded to storage
- System creates file records
- Associates files with domain
Processing Initiation
- Creates new ProcessRun
- Initializes version control
- Begins sequential processing
Step Processing
- Each step creates new ProcessStep record
- Maintains input/output paths
- Updates status and error information
Version Control
- Each modification creates new version
- Maintains links to previous versions
- Enables rollback if needed
- Each step tracks its own errors
- Full error context stored in database
- Processing can be resumed from failed step
- Version history maintained even for failed runs
%% Core Entities
Tenant ||--o{ Domain : has
Domain ||--o{ DomainVersion : "has versions"
DomainVersion ||--o{ File : contains
DomainVersion ||--o{ ProcessingPipeline : has
%% Processing Steps
ProcessingPipeline ||--o{ ParseVersion : has
ProcessingPipeline ||--o{ ExtractVersion : has
ProcessingPipeline ||--o{ MergeVersion : has
ProcessingPipeline ||--o{ GroupVersion : has
ProcessingPipeline ||--o{ OntologyVersion : has
ProcessingPipeline ||--o{ GraphVersion : has
%% User Management
User ||--o{ UserTenant : has
Tenant ||--o{ UserTenant : has
User ||--o{ UserRole : has
Domain ||--o{ UserRole : has
Role ||--o{ UserRole : has
Tenant ||--o{ Role : has
%% Configurations
Domain ||--o{ DomainConfig : has
User ||--o{ UserConfig : has
User ||--o{ APIKey : has
%% Invitations
User ||--o{ Invitation : sends
Domain ||--o{ Invitation : for
Tenant {
UUID tenant_id PK
string tenant_name
timestamp created_at
User {
UUID user_id PK
string email
string hashed_password
string name
timestamp created_at
UserTenant {
UUID user_id PK
UUID tenant_id PK
UUID role_id FK
timestamp created_at
Role {
UUID role_id PK
UUID tenant_id FK
string role_name
string description
UserRole {
UUID user_id PK
UUID domain_id PK
UUID role_id FK
timestamp created_at
APIKey {
UUID api_key_id PK
string api_key
UUID user_id FK
UUID tenant_id FK
timestamp created_at
timestamp revoked
Domain {
UUID domain_id PK
UUID tenant_id FK
UUID owner_user_id FK
string domain_name
string description
timestamp created_at
DomainVersion {
UUID version_id PK
UUID domain_id FK
UUID tenant_id FK
int version
timestamp created_at
ProcessingPipeline {
UUID pipeline_id PK
UUID domain_version_id FK
UUID current_parse_id FK
UUID current_extract_id FK
UUID current_merge_id FK
UUID current_group_id FK
UUID current_ontology_id FK
UUID current_graph_id FK
timestamp created_at
string status
string error
File {
UUID file_id PK
UUID domain_version_id FK
string filename
string filepath
timestamp uploaded_at
UUID uploaded_by FK
DomainConfig {
UUID config_id PK
UUID domain_id FK
UUID tenant_id FK
string config_key
string config_value
timestamp created_at
UserConfig {
UUID config_id PK
UUID user_id FK
UUID tenant_id FK
string config_key
string config_value
timestamp created_at
Invitation {
UUID invitation_id PK
UUID inviter_user_id FK
string invitee_email
UUID tenant_id FK
UUID domain_id FK
string status
timestamp created_at
timestamp expires_at
timestamp accepted_at
%% Step Version Tables
ParseVersion {
UUID version_id PK
UUID pipeline_id FK
int version_number
string status
string input_path
string output_path
string error
timestamp created_at
ExtractVersion {
UUID version_id PK
UUID pipeline_id FK
int version_number
string status
string input_path
string output_path
string error
timestamp created_at
MergeVersion {
UUID version_id PK
UUID pipeline_id FK
int version_number
string status
string input_path
string output_path
string error
timestamp created_at
GroupVersion {
UUID version_id PK
UUID pipeline_id FK
int version_number
string status
string input_path
string output_path
string error
timestamp created_at
OntologyVersion {
UUID version_id PK
UUID pipeline_id FK
int version_number
string status
string input_path
string output_path
string error
timestamp created_at
GraphVersion {
UUID version_id PK
UUID pipeline_id FK
int version_number
string status
string input_path
string output_path
string error
timestamp created_at
New Process Steps
- System designed for easy addition of new steps
- Each step is independent and versioned
Custom Validation Rules
- Domain-specific validation can be added
- Rules stored in domain configuration
Export Formats
- Knowledge graph can be exported in various formats
- New export formats can be added as needed
This architecture provides a flexible, maintainable system for domain knowledge extraction with strong version control and user validation capabilities.
docker-compose down -v && docker-compose up --build