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parallel raytrace

A raytracer for impulse responses (for reverb), influenced by raster graphics lighting techniques. Uses OpenCL for IMMENSE SPEED.

build notes

Only tested on Mac OS X Yosemite.

Mostly C++11, but uses generic lambda parameters from C++1y, so you'll need a fairly modern C++ compiler to build. You'll also need CMake to build.

You need the following libraries installed in a standard location (probably /usr/local/lib, /usr/local/include) so that CMake can find and link them:

  • FFTW (fftw3f)
  • Assimp
  • Libsndfile
  • rapidjson (although this is header-only)

If you're on a Mac with homebrew you can set-up and build with:

# install cmake and libraries with simple builds
brew install cmake fftw libsndfile

# rapidjson is a bit special because it doesn't have a stable branch
brew install --HEAD homebrew/head-only/rapidjson

# assimp doesn't build a static library by default, so you need to edit the
# homebrew forumula
brew edit assimp

# then change the install function to
# def install
#     args = std_cmake_args
#     args << "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF"
#     system "cmake", ".", *args
#     system "make", "install"
# end
# save, and exit the editor

# now install your shiny custom assimp
brew install assimp --build-from-source

cd <path to repo>
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

# optional
make package

IMPORTANT! don't make install - the install targets are set up to produce a packaged distribution, so you'll end up with a lot of unnecessary extras installed in /usr/local if you run this.

Once the libraries all have CMake builds of their own I might add git submodules for them.

On Mac OS X the OpenCL framework is used. Obviously this isn't something that Linuxes have, so at some point I'll try making the build a bit more platform agnostic, to see if it will run on Linux as well.

Want docs? First you'll need to brew install doxygen. Then basic but pretty docs can be generated by running doxygen in the root dir of the project.

system requirements

Should run on any recent Mac running 10.9 or newer with a discrete graphics card. Might also work on systems with integrated graphics, but this has not been tested.

getting started

A pretty version of the program's man page can be found in the cmd folder (named This should serve as a quick introduction, and get you started running the software.

Example models and configuration files are found in the assets folder, and some example runs are found in demo/ If you have a local copy of the repository, and you've run make install from your build folder, you should be able to cd into the demo folder and then run ./ to generate a whole bunch of sample impulse-responses.


This program depends on FFTW3, which is licensed under the GNU GPL. This software is therefore also licensed under the GNU GPL.

repo structure

  • assets - example models and config files
  • cmd - command-line program using the rayverb library
  • demo - scripts for generating impulses, and a max/msp convolver for testing
  • filter_test - python scripts for testing different crossover filter types
  • hrtf_analysis - python scripts for generating and plotting multiband hrtf data
  • include - any non-original headers that are required by the project
  • rayverb - the main raytracing library
  • tests - simple unit tests
  • viewer - a Processing sketch to plot ray paths


Raytracing for your ears.







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