Releases: ringcentral/ringcentral-embeddable
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New features:
- Feature: add from number in calling setting API (#265 / Docs)
- Feature: support to disconnect inactive web phone instance (#271 / Docs)
- Upgrade: use ringcentral sdk to 3.2.2 (#276)
Release notes: RingCentral Embeddable 1.0 release notes
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New features:
- feat: support to log messages (#257)(Docs)
- feat: add api to interact with calling settings (#261) (Docs)
- feat: support E911 calling and parked call number dialing (#264)
- feat: support to login with authorization code (#252)
- Reduce heavy API request (fix rate limit problem) (#262 #255)
- Use media reader link in recording and voicemail logger api (#260)
- High Availability in webRTC phone (#256)
Widgets library
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New features
- feat: support to add third party settings (#248 / Docs)
- feat: support to enable analytics (#237 / Docs)
- feat: call recording content uri in call logger feature (#244 / Docs)
- feat: support to enable error report service (#240 / Docs / One Issue)
Enhancement and Bugfixs
Upgrade with Widgets 0.10.7 library
- fix: handle set cached subscription failed
- fix(Auth): logout duplicate requests issue among multiple tabs
- upgrade: ringcentral web phone sdk 0.7.0 (support backup sip server)
- feat: support main*extension format in browser and softphone mode
- feat: support to change inbound call to conference call
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New features
- feat: new adapter UI (PR: #218 / Docs)
- feat: support to set third party brand icon in authorization and contacts section (PR: #221 / Docs)
- feat: enable auto enter host key when lanuch conference (#225)
- enhance: update contact filter (#226)
Widgets upgrade
Build tool update
- build: support to build with brand config (#223)
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feat: schedule meeting (#211)
fix: web phone hold issue in Firefox (#214)
upgrade: widgets library to 0.10.3 (#209) (#214)
Build and test tool:
Upgrade babel 7 and jest (#212)
Enhancement of test architecture and add widget tests (#216)
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feat: allow to pass desired user agent string (#200)
feat: add third party contacts syncing state (#190)
enhance: add third party contacts request timeout (#188)
enhance: log error description when oauth error (#203)
fix: logger modal style (#192)
fix: click listen error (#196)
fix: not pass brand id to oauth uri (private no RC US app problem) (#206)
Build tool update:
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It is important upgrade, please upgrade to this version as soon as possible. After chrome 72 released, our web phone will be broken in previous version.
What's new:
- update click listener of c2d (#181)
- upgrade ringcentral-web-phone to fix chrome 73 issue.
- support web phone on Firefox
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New features:
feat: support to click to sms with message text (#170) (#173)
feat: support to show log modal when click log button (#165)
feat: support to only sync updated contacts (#171)
upgrade widgets and add active call control feature (#161)
fix third party contact search bug (#160)
fix glip post event changed bug (#164)
fix: add triggerType in callLogger request (#167)