Releases: ringcentral/ringcentral-embeddable
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feat: support to pass code verifier for customize authorization (#589 /docs)
feat: support to show my location numbers at calling setting event (#582 / docs )
fix: error when third party contacts return empty after refresh (#593)
fix: do not request video configuration without Meetings permission (#592)
fix: blank logo issue when load embeddable from browser extension local file (#584)
Dependency Upgrading
chore: upgrade RingCentral web phone SDK 0.8.9 (#585)
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Breaking Changing
- Remove support for IE (#561)
New features
- feat: support new brands (Atos, Avaya and Rainbow) (#571)
- feat: support to change brand config and theme after user login (#560)
- feat: support end-to-end encryption, waiting room options at meeting scheduler for RingCentral Video (#560)
- refactor: new auth solution (open auth window directly in app, not proxy iframe required) (#560)
- feat: allow to disable minimize (#576)
- feat: add isWindowPoppedUp in RCAdapter (#577)
- fix: call dialer status notify issue (#572)
- fix: remove allow-downloads from sandbox attributes at safari (#574)
- fix: missing login number issue at event (#578)
Dependency upgrading
- Upgrade widgets lib 0.13.2 (package renamed into @ringcentral-integration/commons and @ringcentral-integration/widgets)
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Bug fixs
- fix: call may drop after user refresh no web phone tab at multipleTabsSupport mode (#566)
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New features:
- feat: record/stopRecord call by call control RESTful API, support to mute auto recording for PSTN call (after 11/3 server side support) (#563)
- Use sipInstanceManager to reuse inactive sip id to resolve "Too many web phone instances" issue after frequent refreshing (#549)
- Do not open popup window when there are calls (#565)
- In multipleTabsSupport enabled, web phone only connected at first connected tab (active) (#564)
- Upgrade web phone SDK 0.8.8 to support SIP UPDATE message (#562)
- Update adaptive badge UI and logo (#552)
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Bug fixs
- fix: throttle personal contacts requests for rate limit issue (#529)
- fix: notification subscription recreate issue at sleep detected (#537)
- fix: no audio issue at Chrome 92 (#538)
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New features
feat: support to set ringtone (Doc / #521)
feat: support vcard click handler ( Doc / #504)
feat: support to popup a standalone window (Doc / #502 #506)
Bug fixs
fix: upgrade rc sdk to 4.5.1 to fix Authorzation pop window (#528)
fix: show call queue name at call (#522)
fix: call log rate limit issue at multiple tabs (#518)
chore: update RingCentral logo and primary color (#526)
refactor: remove active calls request at call status changed (#509)
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Bug fixs
fix: add autoplay in iframe allow (#493 #492)
fix: subscription refresh issue after chrome 88 (#495)
upgrade: RingCentral JS SDK 4.4.2 (#499)
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Bug fixs
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Important: Default redirect URI changed to, please make sure to add it in your app setting in RingCentral Developer website. Customize and have a fixed redirect URI by following here
Highlight features
- feat: support warm transfer (#484)
- feat: enable 3-way-calling by default with CallControl permission (#486)
- enhancement: disable caller id selection when no permission (#471)
- enhancement: add switch call confirm modal (#471)
- enhancement: disable caller id selection when no permission (#471)
- enhancement: disable record button before it can be record (#471)
Bug fixs
- fix: fax and attachment download issue (#471)
- fix: locale query issue in RingCentral login page (#471)
- fix: API limitation status request issue (#471)
- fix: reconnect issue when get too many web phone connections error #476
- fix: current call audio issue after a ringing call forwarded #482
- fix: pass default brand id to login page (#483)
- fix: output device can't be changed after a web phone call
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Important: Default redirect URI changed to, please make sure to add it in your app setting in RingCentral Developer website. Customize and have a fixed redirect URI by following here
Highlight features
- feat: new multiple tabs solution for web phone (#464 / Doc)
- feat: support multiple brands (#470 / Docs)
Bug fixs and enhancements
- fix: no active call notification in some case (#473)
- enhance: support to set WebRTC protocol SDP PlanB for Cordova iOS webRTC (#467)