NPM Package rename: #1668
ringcentral-integration -> @ringcentral-integration/commons
ringcentral-widgets -> @ringcentral-integration/commons
fix: @action method not trigger redux action when no state change
feat(CallingSettings): Rename calling with RingCentral option in other brands
refactor(Environment): Add SdkConfig into deps, set EnvironmentOptions dep not spread,
refactor(ActiveCallControl): refactor permission check in ActiveCallControl
refactor(Locale): remove spread at localeOptions dep
refactor(contactHelper): expose the raw Contact Id to the search phone number result
refactor(Prefix): add Prefix as deps to replace ModuleOptions in RcModule
fix(TabManger): fix TabManger set main tab id when init app in hidden tab
enhance(ExtensionFeatures): add hasMeetingsPermission
feat(CallLogPanel): support to show custom object type icon in call log page
RcModuleV2 Refactor:
- refactor: ConnectivityManager with RcModuleV2
- refactor: Brand V2 with RcModuleV2, replace BrandConfig with BrandOptions
- refactor: CallLogCallCtrlContainer with RcModuleV2
- refactor: CallingSettingsUI with RcUIModuleV2
- chore: use Juno version 1.8.5-beta.5034-128a9f16
Engage Voice widgets
fix(Dialer): fix dialer panel minimize in firefox
update i18n strings