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Rob Wood edited this page Apr 25, 2024 · 13 revisions

smtp4dev configuration can be performed via the appsettings.json file, environment variables and command-line arguments.

In the User Interface

✨Many of the basic settings can be edited in the UI

To configure, simply start up smtp4dev and click the settings icon at the top-right of the screen.

When saved, these are written to the settings file at {AppData}/smtp4dev/appsettings.json

Configuration Files

You can find the default configuration file at <installlocation>/appsettings.json. This file is included in every release and will be overwritten when you update. To avoid this, create a 'user' configuration file at {AppData}/smtp4dev/appsettings.json and make your customisations there.

{AppData} is platform dependent but normally:

  • Windows - environment variable: APPDATA
  • Linux & Mac - environment variable: XDG_CONFIG_HOME

The search path of these files is printed when smtp4dev starts up. So the easiest way to find them is to look there:

smtp4dev version 3.3.6-ci20240419116+60aff5ea69aa19c6fb9afa8573fd5f77ab40de3a
.NET Core runtime version: .NET 8.0.4

 > For help use argument --help

Install location: C:\Users\rob
DataDir: C:\Users\rob\AppData\Roaming\smtp4dev
Default settings file: C:\Users\rob\.dotnet\tools\.store\rnwood.smtp4dev\3.3.6-ci20240419116\rnwood.smtp4dev\3.3.6-ci20240419116\tools\net8.0\any\appsettings.json
User settings file: C:\Users\rob\AppData\Roaming\smtp4dev\appsettings.json

Version 3.1.2 onwards will automatically reload and apply any edits to the configuration file without restarting.

List of app settings

Note that this will vary by version of smtp4dev, so for best results, open the settings file you have!

Environment Variables

All the values from appsettings.json can be overridden by environment variables.

Set environmment variables in the format: ServerOptions__HostName.

For arrays, use the format ServerOptions__Users__0__User where Users is the property holding the array, 0 is the index of the item and User is one of the properties of that item.

Command Line Options

To see the command line options, run Rnwood.Smtp4dev(.exe) or Rnwood.Smtp4dev.Desktop(.exe) with --help.

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