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ron190 edited this page Mar 15, 2025 · 50 revisions

Injection can lead to system access on the server or to a lesser extent to write files, however the main security concern is the system access as it enables remote command execution.

When RCE exploit is successful a text terminal opens to enter commands like you were on the server, which in specific cases may also lead to a reverse shell connection.


This content is delivered for education purpose and security concern, to use on a controlled environment.


Share also your concern and add new techniques to the list with opening a pull request.

Also use wiki page Reverse shell to disambiguate from the RCE exploit.

1. Types

Each exploit creates a function or adds a file to the remote system provided first that the injection has been successful, then it proceeds to the exploit using the writing mode appropriate. The writing modes are also described below.

RCE UDF — via internal script or library

RCE is performed by a user defined function packaged either into a library or built by crafted methods, and it gives access to system commands via an additional SQL function that runs the command.

UDF needs several requirements to setup, but it's really easy to build as it does not require any user input, a single click is enough.

RCE Web — via interpreted language (e.g PHP)

It also gives access to system commands, though it calls a page from a presumed web folder that you have to select.

It needs basic queries and file db privilege, and also some guessing to find the correct working folder.

RCE requirements


RCE can be difficult to craft, here are the requirements by db vendor for a successful process :

Type Database Need
on same
⚠️ Size
⚠️ Server setup
UDF mysql ℹ️ ✔ Variable secure_file_priv=""
postgres Program
postgres Extension ℹ️ Any extension installed
postgres Archive Variable archive_mode=on
sqlite Extension exec loaded
🚫 oracle ❌ Semi-colon failure in begin end;
Web mysql Variable secure_file_priv=""
hsqldb h2 derby JDBC bridge running

SQL — shell via interpreted language (e.g PHP)

Similar to Web with a presumed web folder to select. It runs SQL queries directly without any injection layer and it will test some db connection methods like new PDO(), mysqli_connect() and mysql_connect().

Credentials may also be set depending on the database settings.


To retrieve username and password you can use tab Read file and locate and open any file like mydb.php, it may contain the hard-coded credentials.

Upload — via interpreted language (e.g PHP)

Any target that runs a language like PHP may also gives access to direct upload via Content-Type: multipart/form-data.

You select the presumed web folder and the file on your system to start the upload.

2. Modes

Exploit can be created in various ways, you select the creation mode or leave it to auto.

Query body

A single query that includes the exploit's body encoded in hex is creating the file, so it's limited to relatively small payloads when using method GET.


Use POST or mode temp table for large payload like UDF.

Temp table

Exploit is split into small chunks encoded to hex then loaded into a temp table, next the table is loaded into the destination file.

With temp table the small GET size limitation is avoided by processing smaller chunks, but you need stack queries.

Network share

You can also connect directly the database to your file system for transferring the exploit, for example on a local network during a CTF.

You set your path to the network share folder where the exploit is built, like \\\C$\folder\, then the database loads the exploit with a direct connection from the remote server to your netshare.

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