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SQL Engine

ron190 edited this page Jun 8, 2024 · 22 revisions

💉jSQL generates default SQL syntax based on a template which is editable in tab SQL Engine, allowing to live-debug and optimize queries on the fly for current identified engine.

Any SQL part is defined by a unique ${tag} and all tags are replaced by its concrete value in the final query.

The entire template is roughly like the following:

character insertion layer                                    # input prefix
  ${indices}:Normal or ${boolean.mode} & ${test}:Time+Blind  # strategy layer
    ${window}                                                # chars substring
      ${window.char}:Multibit+Bittest & ${bit}               # chars position index
        ${injection}:all                                     # main select
          ${database} ${table} ${fields}                     # all fields with main from
            ${field.value}                                   # single field syntax
              ${indice} & ${calibrator}                      # Normal specific
          ${limit}                                           # rows position
            ${limit.value}                                   # rows position index

Structure — schema content — ${injection}

  • Database: get names with number of tables
  • Tables: get names with number of rows
  • Columns: get names
  • Rows: get de-duplicated rows
    • Field: single column name, all fields are concatenated into ${fields} with separator
    • Field Separator: added between fields to separate column values
  • Metadata: get engine info like version and current user

Strategy — high level syntax

  • Normal: apply union-based select
  • Stacked: apply stack select
  • Error: apply exception trigger that includes the result
  • Boolean — bitwise strategies
    • Mode${boolean.mode}: use AND/OR depending on the initial query state (eg. where 1=1 AND, where 1=0 OR)
    • Blind: get result Yes/No for given bit from ASCII code of a single char
    • Time: get delay Yes/No for given bit from ASCII code of a single char
    • Multibit: get specific result for given bits from ASCII code of a single char
    • Bit test${test}: return true when the bit of given ASCII code is 1, else return false

Configuration — other parts

  • Char Sliding Window${window.char}: set a substring of data
  • Rows Sliding Window${limit}: set rows starting at specific position (see LIMIT)
  • Limit start index${limit.value}: set LIMIT initial position, some engine starts at 0 and some at 1
  • Capacity${capacity}: set specific Normal query to measure indexes response size
  • Calibrator${calibrator}: repeat given char for Normal capacity measure
  • Failsafe: set Normal index with N0+1 form
  • End comment: set SQL comment to ignore internal query remaining parts

Fingerprint — identify engine and character insertion

  • Order by: set wrong column index to trigger specific engine error
  • Order by error: expected engine error when order by index is wrong
  • String error: expected SQL syntax error when query is incorrect
  • Truthy: list of predicate checked as true by engine
  • Falsy: list of predicate checked as false by engine


  • Privilege: get current user's read permission
  • Read: get file content to read
  • Write body: set file content to write
  • Write path: set file path to write

Previous topic: Strategies, Next topic: Parameters
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