is a Swift library offering some of the basic functionality available
in other languages, notably Python, that is relevant to solving
Advent-of-Code-style programming puzzles, but is not currently exposed in a
convenient way by the Swift standard library.
It is very much a work in progress; I will likely push more and more code up here as the 2021 AoC event progresses, sometimes new utilities that I wrote in response to the day's puzzle, sometimes generally useful code that I anticipate being of potential value in upcoming puzzles.
As a rule, aoclib
will not contain any code specific to a particular
Advent of Code puzzle. I wouldn't consider using aoclib
for your own
Advent of Code solutions to be "cheating" in any way—merely making the use
of Swift more competitive with other languages better suited to small,
lightweight, vaguely algorithm-centric programming.
The library is set up to be built as a dynamic library (just run swift build
at the top level). You can then invoke the Swift REPL (or execute a single
Swift file) with
swift -I swiftaoc/.build/debug -L swiftaoc/.build/debug -laoclib
You can then do
> import aoclib
> print("foo and bar and baz".split(" and "))
["foo", "bar", "baz"]
(One hopes that by the end of December 2021 there will be even more functionality than that.)
Happy Hacking!