This is a dataset of over 7,000,000 transactions scraped from the Venmo public API. Venmo is an app which allows users to easily send and receive money.
This data was collected as part of a data analysis project and was scraped during the following date ranges:
- July 2018 - September 2018
- October 2018
- Jan 2019 - Feb 2019
I am releasing this dataset in order to bring attention to Venmo users that all of this data is publicly available for anyone to grab without even an API key. There is some very valuable data here for any attacker conducting OSINT research.
Protect Yourself
I would highly encourage all users to switch their Venmo account to private by going to Settings > Privacy
and selecting "Private" as well as Past Transactions > Change All to Private
. Screenshot instructions are available here.
The dataset is in BSON form as it was exported from a MongoDB database. It has been compressed with xz
to allow for faster transfers.
- Compressed size: 1.03 GB
- Uncompressed size: 10.87 GB
- Transaction Count: 7,076,585
Each transaction contains lots of information about the sender and receiver, but does not include dollar amounts. A sample transaction .json file is included as sample.json
This dataset was exported from a MongoDB instance with the following settings:
- Database name:
- Collection name:
- Install MongoDB
sudo apt install mongodb
- Extract .xz
tar xf venmo.tar.xz
- or with progress:
pv venmo.tar.xz | tar xf - -C extracted/ --xz
- Restore dump
mongorestore --collection venmo --db test venmo.bson
Salmon, Dan. (2019). Venmo Transaction Dataset [Dataset]. Retrieved from
Venmo Transaction Dataset. Dan Salmon, June 2019, Accessed (date here). Dataset.