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Matthias Koeppe edited this page Dec 19, 2022 · 4 revisions

The Sage Patchbot

The patchbot pulls and applies git branches from Trac and can be found at or from links on the individual Trac tickets (round badges in the ticket box). It also runs some patchbot/plugins.

You can help by running your own patchbot. See below for instructions about installation and usage.

See a list of some patchbot names and their owners at patchbot/owners.

This is still very much a work in progress. The latest version of the code lives at

Lists of reports

You can see the status of several tickets at the same time (replace xxxx by your user name):

For the tickets you participated in, see

For the tickets you authored, see

Ticket Status

The color of the report page icon indicates the status of the ticket. See the report page itself for more details. The possible statuses are:


Pending A patchbot is currently running on this ticket. The patchbot may have stopped if the ticket was deemed unsafe.

TestsPassed Everything is okay, as far as a patchbot can tell.

TestsPassedOnRetry Everything is okay, but only after several tentatives.

ApplyFailed The branch could not be applied. This can be caused by conflicts with other branches or dependencies. Try rebase your branch on the latest develop branch.

BuildFailed The branch can be applied, but sage failed to build, due to errors in the code. Check the code.

TestsFailed One or more tests did not succeed.

PluginFailed Tests have been successfully done, but plugins have found some problems.

PluginOnlyFailed Plugin have found some problems. Tests have not been made.

PluginOnly Plugins have found no problem. Tests have not been made.

NoPatch No branch has been uploaded to Trac so far. The patchbot has nothing to do.

Spkg This is related to an spkg. The patchbot will only check the spkg installation.

Hints and tricks

Installing the patchbot

It is safer to run the patchbot in an unused sage install.

This is the Trac macro span that was inherited from the migration called with arguments (style=background:

or using PyPI:

This is the Trac macro span that was inherited from the migration called with arguments (style=background:

Dependencies: shell commands git; tar; wget

pyflakes and pycodestyle will be installed by pip if not already installed.

This is the Trac macro span that was inherited from the migration called with arguments (style=background:

You can instead register here.

Installing optional packages

You are allowed and in fact even encouraged to install optional packages in sage before running the patchbot. When doing so, please keep in mind that certain optional packages require things outside of sage to be installed. The following list of commands is handy if one wants to install all optional packages.

sage -pip install service_identity
apt-get install graphviz pandoc build-essential libxml2 libxml2-dev

Running the patchbot

Before running the patchbot make sure that the following two commands produce no errors when executed in the root of the sage installation you want to run the patchbot with.

    ./sage -t --all --long

This is the Trac macro span that was inherited from the migration called with arguments (style=background:

The patchbot should be run with pip3 and python3. The version of Python must be at least 3.7.

The --sage-root parameter is required.

Your patchbot will run forever, as long as it finds a ticket to work on.

You can let the patchbot choose the tickets it will run on.

You can run a specific ticket by using --ticket N where N is a ticket number such as 12345 (or a sequence such as 12345,23456)

Several other options are available, see --help

--skip-base will skip the check that the base sage installation is sane. Please do not use when running on many tickets.

--plugin-only will only build (sage and the doc) and run the plugins but not the tests (much quicker but less useful).

--safe-only will only test branches that only change files inside the directory "src/sage" (this is the case by default).

--skip-doc-clean the "make doc-clean" is not run during the patchbot initialization. Useful if your machine does not have enough ram to build the documentation in a single round.

If the patchbot process receives the signal SIGUSR1 (using kill -s SIGUSR1 pid), it will gracefully stop after finishing its job on the ticket it is currently working on.


By default, the patchbot should run without needing to tune its configuration. You can use a specific configuration file in the json format and run the patchbot with the option

--config fullpath/config_file.json

The json format mostly looks like a python dictionary. Here is an example of a valid configuration file

    {"bonus": {"niceguy": 200, "needs_work": -20},
     "use_ccache": false,
     "safe_only": true,
     "skip_base": true,
     "time_of_day": "22-7",
     "parallelism": 8

Note that the booleans must be written with no capital first letter.

The config will be read again between every run, hence it allows live configuration of the patchbot.

The list of configurable entities are:

option type default description
time_of_day string "0-0" (example "0-0" or "22-7") an interval of time during which the patchbot is active
bonus dictionary see below some bonus to influence the order in which tickets are tested (see below)
safe_only boolean true whether to only test "safe" tickets modifying only src/sage or src/doc
skip_base boolean false whether to run testlong on the base before testing tickets
parallelism integer 3 the number of threads to execute when compiling or testing
idle integer 300 seconds to wait when network is not working or there are no tickets available
timeout integer 10800
base_branch string develop the name of the git branch to synchronized with the develop branch on trac
sage_root string the path to the directory containing the sage installation
plugins list of strings see below the plugins to use
test_options string "" anything that can be passed to sage -t --optional, for example "sage,external" or "sage,internet"


There are two kinds of bonus, the one related to tickets:

  • logins (counted x2 if author and x1 if participant)
  • component (e.g. "linear algebra", "combinatorics", ...)
  • status (e.g. "needs_review", "positive_review", ...)
  • priority (e.g "blocker", "critical", ...)

and the one related to other bot reports:

  • behind: weight the number of commits behind master (and count for -1 if the commit is not locally available)
  • applies: whether previous bots succeeded when merging the branch with the current beta
  • unique : give less chance for already seen tickets

The defaults are

 "bonus": {
     "blocker"        : 100,
     "critical"       : 60,
     "major"          : 10,
     "minor"          : 0,
     "needs_review"   : 1000,
     "positive_review": 500,
     "needs_info"     : 0,
     "needs_work"     : 0,
     "unique"         : 40,
     "applies"        : 20,
     "behind"         : 1

But you could add

 "bonus": {
     "vbraun": 10,
     "inconito": -5,
     "linear programming": 200,
     "finance": -200,
     "14382": 100,
     "15777": 100

Looking at patchbot activities

Remotely, you can have a look at the last tickets tested by patchbots at and the tests without tickets applied can be found at

On your machine, the patchbot writes a summary of its activities in $SAGE_ROOT/logs/patchbot/history.txt

using an ipython session

You can try the patchbot inside a ipython session, as follows.

First, in the sage directory, create a branch "patchbot/base" by

git checkout develop -b patchbot/base


cd sage-patchbot/

launch ipython and

from sage_patchbot.patchbot import Patchbot

opt = {'sage_root': '/home/platon/sage/', 'owner': 'Sophocle'}

P = Patchbot(opt)

P.test_a_ticket(14974)   # just test one ticket and stop

P.test_some_tickets([14974, 19876, 20202])  # test several tickets in the given order

The argument dictionary must contain at least:

{'sage_root': path to the sage local repository}

Example Configuration and Run-Scripts

Installation via

pip3 install --user git+


pip3 install --user sage-patchbot

Configuration config.json:

    "bonus": {"me": 100},
    "parallelism": 2,
    "sage_root": "/local/sage-patchbot/sage",
    "owner": "This Is Me <`@`>"

Script bin/run-patchbot: {{{#!/bin/bash LANG=C python3 -m sage_patchbot.patchbot --config=/local/sage-patchbot/config.json

## Running the patchbot on [GitHub](GitHub) Actions

Go to, use the Fork button to create a fork in your account.

Go to the Actions tab,  select "Run patchbot". Push "Run workflow".

Instead of the default platform, `ubuntu-focal-standard`, you can select any platform for which we have prebuilt images, see

It will run for 6 hours, then exit. You can run multiple workflows simultaneously.

See also [#33253](
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