OClib for Tcl. A collection of Tcl utilities.
Copyright Sam O'Connor 2014
Licenced for use under the same terms as Tcl 8.6. See: http://core.tcl.tk/tcl/artifact/537ba3f664b958496ab51849e23d7f564342014b http://github.com/tcltk/tcl/raw/core_8_6_1/license.terms
set v "hello"
assert {[llength $v] == 5}
assert equal [length $v] 5
✅ equal [length $v] 5
⊢ [: 7 is integer]
forbid {$v eq {}}
forbid empty $v
🚫 is integer $v
🚫 empty $v
[with "Hello" tolower] eq "hello"
[: "Hello" tolower] eq "hello"
[join [lrange [split [tolower "A-B-C"] -] 1 end] -] eq "b-c"
[: "A-B-C" | tolower | split - | lrange 1 end | join -] eq "b-c"
set d {a 1 b 2}
[errorcode {dict get d}] eq {TCL VALUE DICTIONARY}
[errorcode {dict get $d c}] eq {TCL LOOKUP DICT c}
[errorcode {dict get $novar c}] eq {TCL LOOKUP VARNAME novar}
for i in $l {puts $i}
[exists foo ] eq [info exists foo]
[exists $dict foo] eq [dict exists $dict foo]
set a foo
[subst -nocomplain {$a $b}] eq {foo $b}
equal -> string equal
is -> string is
length -> string length
range -> string range
reverse -> string reverse
tolower -> string tolower
toupper -> string toupper
trim -> string trim
merge -> dict merge
filter -> dict filter
keys -> dict keys
values -> dict values
remove -> dict remove
dset -> dict set
copy -> file copy
delete -> file delete
dirname -> file dirname
extension -> file extension
isdirectory -> file isdirectory
isfile -> file isfile
mkdir -> file mkdir
tempfile -> file tempfile
(also imported as 1st class commands)
(also imported as 1st class commands)
[dict rfc_2822 {To A From B body Hi!}] eq "To: A\r\nFrom: B\r\n\r\nHi!"
[dict csv {1 one 2 two 3 three} ] eq "1,one\r\n2,two\r\n3,three\r\n"
[dict qstring {a "A B" b ✓ c \[\]} ] eq "a=A%20B&b=%E2%9C%93&c=%5B%5D"
set d {a 1 b 2 c 3}
dict pop d a
$a == 1
$d == {b 2 c 3}
assign $d b c
$b == 2
$c == 3
[parse lines a\nb\n ] eq {a b}
[parse base64 MTIzNA== ] eq 1234
[parse hex "20" ] eq " "
[parse json {{"foo":"bar","l":["1","2","3"]}}] eq {foo bar l {1 2 3}}
[parse csv a,b,c\r\n1,2,3\r\n ] eq {{a b c} {1 2 3}}
[parse csv_as_dict 1,one\n2,two\n3,three ] eq {1 one 2 two 3 three}
[parse csv_as_dicts a,b,c\n1,2,3\nx,y,z ] eq {{a 1 b 2 c 3} {a x b y c z}}
[parse gzip $gziped ]
[parse rfc_2822 "To: A\r\nFrom: B\r\n\r\nHi!" ] eq {To A From B body Hi!}
[parse utf8 %E2%9C%93] ] eq "✓"
[parse qstring l=a%20b%20c&Tick=%E2%9C%93 ] eq {l {a b c} Tick ✓}
(also avaliable as 1st class commands)
file set hello.txt "a,b\n1,2\n"
[file get hello.txt] eq "a,b\n1,2\n"
[file lines hello.txt] eq {{a,b} {1,2}}
[file csv hello.txt] eq {{a b} {1 2}}
set wav [file get foo.wav]
set flac [bexec {flac --silent - 2>@ stderr} $wav
file set foo.flac $flac
proc file_get {file} {
Read entire content of "file".
} require {
is_file $file
} do {
set f [open $file {RDONLY BINARY}]
set result [read $f]
close $f
return $result
} alias {
proc parse::utf8 {hex} {
Parse hex encoded UTF-8.
Hex bytes may be prefixed by "%"
} example {
[parse::utf8 E29C93] eq "✓"
[parse::utf8 %E2%9C%93] eq "✓"
} do {
set hex [string map {% {}} $hex]
encoding convertfrom utf-8 [binary decode hex $hex]
retry count 4 {
set res [aws_sqs $aws CreateQueue QueueName $name {*}$attributes]
} trap QueueAlreadyExists {} {
delete_aws_sqs_queue [aws_sqs_queue $aws $name]
} trap AWS.SimpleQueueService.QueueDeletedRecently {} {
puts "Waiting 1 minute to re-create SQS Queue \"$name\"..."
after 60000
(As per sysexits.h)
try {
} trap {AWS.SimpleQueueService.QueueDeletedRecently} {
exit EX_TEMPFAIL "Can't reuse queue name immediately after deletion. Please wait..."
retry count 2 {
exec ./create_queue.tcl "foobar"
} trap {EX_TEMPFAIL} {
after 60000
lconcat, lfilter, lrm_empty, laverage, lpercentile, lcount, lfirst, lshuffle, push, lsplit...
See oclib/oc_test.tcl for more examples.