This repository contains all the components needed to run the Earudite platform. In summary, Earudite is a platform designed to crowdsource the collection of training data using Quiz bowl questions to improve automatic speech recognition systems.
To install this repository, simply clone it into your directory of choice using the following command:
$ git clone
Then, follow the installation instructions in the README for each sub-repository. The HLS server component requires no additional installation steps aside from generating a secure handshake.
Prior to running the platform, make sure that each reference uses the same port for a given component. Use the following ports:
- HLS: 4440
- Data Flow Server: 5110
- Socket Server: 6470
- Frontend + Proxy: 8700
- Internal MongoDB Port (if MongoDB is run locally): 27019
The following series of commands shows how to run the platform:
$ cd ASRQA_Interface/server
$ module load nodejs
$ module load ffmpeg
$ npx pm2 start server.js --name ASRQA -o ./out.log -e ./err.log
$ npx pm2 save --force
$ export Q_INST_PATH=/fs/clip-quiz/saptab1/ASRQA/ASRQA_Interface/quizzr-server
$ cd ../quizzr-socket-server/
$ nohup nice python > MMMDD_log.txt &
$ cd ../quizzr-server/
$ nohup nice python > MMMDD_log.txt &
$ cd ../hls/
$ nohup nice ./Go-HLS-Streamer --config hls.yaml serve > MMMDD_log.txt &
with the connection string discussed in quizzr-server/ and MMMDD
with the current month and day. Example: May21
Saptarashmi Bandyopadhyay
Shivam Malhotra
Andrew Chen
Christopher Rapp