This is a git remote helper that allows for full transparent encryption of git repositories on unsecure remote locations.
This is still experimental. Encryption format is still not stable, which might require you to re-encrypt your data if you update to a future version.
So use at your own risk and expect some weird errors. Because of this state the installation is also a bit more nerdy than what you might expect.
If you see issues with the installation or usage, feel free to open an issue at Be aware that this is a hobby project of mine, so read the issues from other people first that might be related to your problem, be polite, and provide all information necessary to properly understand your problem, including what you intended to do, what command you invoked and what was the output the tool produced.
If you have suggestions on how to improve things, feel free to provide them as well. Optimally you provide even a pull request but just opening an issue is also welcome.
To make this work you first need to install pygit2. Either use your distribution's package manager or alternatively invoke:
pip install pygit2
Next you either need to put this directoy inside your system search path or
link or copy the files git-incrypt
and git-remote-incrypt
to some
directory that is in the system search path.
I recommend you configure GPG to use an agent and it is likely not a good idea to receive password prompts during git operations.
Use the following command to create a new encrypted repository:
git incrypt init $URL $GPG_KEY_ID
where $URL
is the URL of the remote repository prefixed with incrypt::
be initialized and $GPG_KEY_ID
is one or multiple GPG key IDs to be used to
encrypt the data in the repository. Note that this version does not yet have a
command to change the list of keys later, so give it a thought before setting
up the repository. However if you need to change keys you can always delete
the encrypted repository later and re-initialize it with other keys. For sure
we should have a command in future versions that an re-encrypt the data with
new keys in the future.
From now on you can just use the regular git commands to communicate with the
encrypted remote repository. They all should work in the ususal way but
whenever you need to supply the remote URL to the encrypted repository you
need to prefix it with incrypt::
, for example when your remote storage place
[email protected]:schiele/git-incrypt-crypted.git
you provide instead:
incrypt::[email protected]:schiele/git-incrypt-crypted.git
For a fresh clone of the encrypted repository this would be for example:
git clone incrypt::[email protected]:schiele/git-incrypt-crypted.git
To add an encrypted remote to an existing repository this would be something like:
git remote add crypted incrypt::[email protected]:schiele/git-incrypt-crypted.git
Within the repositories you can use commands like git pull
, git fetch
, or
git push
without special considerations.
A sketch of the repository format can be found in
The approach we take here is to completely encrypt every single git object. With this approach no filters need to get applied as with but all action happens when fetching or pushing data to the remote.
There is that operate as a remote helper, similar to this one but they compress the complete pack files, making incremental changes on arbitrary git URLs expensive since this potentially requires re-transmitting large pack files.
Our approach has advantages and disadvantages compared to those other approaches:
Compared with the first project above we do not need any particular filter configuration we could get wrong and might leak data by accident. For sure this comes with the downside that we either encrypt the whole repository or we don't. There is no partial encryption possible. On the other hand our approach allows pushing the same git repository to an unencrypted remote in a secure location, like a local server and duplicate the same on an encrypted remote in public space to exchange the code with other trusted parties.
Compared with the second approach we can perform incremental changes to the git repository in a more efficient way. If there is only a small change on the unencrypted repository, this causes only a small change to the encrypted repository, while the other approach might require large transfers of the pack files changed. On the other side our approach does reveal more information about the repository structure in the sense that a potential attacker can count the amount of branches or tags that do exist and can count the amount of commits in each branch and their structural relationships to each other. An attacker could not see who created them or when they were created.
Since we encrypt each object separately we also pay a price by a space increase of the overall repository of a bit less than a ten-fold increase. This is caused by the fact that the delta algorithm in git can no longer detect similarities between the individual encrypted objects. Since in a typical workflow changes to the repository are of small increments though the speed increase is likely worth it. Also the initial encryption of an already very large repository can take quite some time. Encrypting the complete source repository of git takes about 45 minutes on my current laptop. The performance penalty seems only relevant though for the expensive initial encryption. --- And after all most users will have significantly smaller repositories compared to the repository of git itself.
The way we encrypt individual objects might reveal data that an attacker could use to undermine the encryption, though I tried to mitigate the risks wherever I saw one. A more detailed analysis and discussion should follow in the future in this document. Should you identify a problem, I am for sure interested in learning about it.
At the moment the implementation is still quite experimental with bad error handling and a lot of technical debt in the code.
But you are free to already look around here and play with the tool. Further documentation will follow.
You can also find an encrypted version of this repository at for you to see how things look like on the ecrypted side.