5.1.0 (2025-02-18)
- config: remove v5.0.0 deprecation warnings and opts translations (dd3af96)
- small notify styling updates (6e337f1)
5.0.1 (2025-02-06)
- remove tags file potentially causing lazy updates to fail (a4f2fec)
5.0.0 (2025-02-06)
- config: replace
options - replace
- add deprecation warnings for updated options (ebe3bd0)
- config: replace
options (a16bbb4) - extensions: add picker support for snacks (a203d41)
- extras: Add color for virtual ruler in helix (#166) (05d44f6)
- extras: add foot terminal extra (#164) (a4bfe69)
- replace
4.6.1 (2025-01-17)
4.6.0 (2025-01-10)
- extras: add ghostty extra (6226dd2)
- extras: add tab colors for kitty (#154) (5597042)
- set lower contrast whitespace highlight (#155) (8db57c2)
- extensions: remove BlinkCmpLabel bg (#158) (4f8dcaa)
- extras: correct kitty tab fg color (#157) (e46e958)
- tabline: make bg of tabline transparent (#162) (b98d33a)
- treesitter: improve contrast for asm builtins and rust imports (dcfa0a3)
4.5.0 (2024-12-22)
- cache: auto-detect config updates & rebuild cache (f94b960), closes #147
- extensions: add snacks.nvim dashboard highlights (b0e1429)
- extensions: extend neogit pallete and highlights (#153) (2ee87ea)
- extensions: add missing whichkey highlights (534527b), closes #147
- extensions: add telescope default highlights (7312900), closes #147
4.4.0 (2024-11-08)
- extras: contrast in counter status component (6985950)
- use different highlight for active window winbar (358f6bf)
4.3.0 (2024-10-16)
- extras: color name typo in warp template (1b1037f)
4.2.0 (2024-10-01)
4.1.0 (2024-08-29)
- extensions: update markview.nvim highlight groups (4f40270), closes #127
- extras: add lsd theme (dc99ecf)
- extras: update zed windows and search highlights (6689105)
- extensions: show Telescope results title (#125) (11ef74a)
- extras: fix json syntax error in tilix (#132) (acdfdec)
- telescope: 'flat' style look closer to readme screenshots (a36ef6f)
- telescope: fix headings for default style and remove duplicate properties (fadfa8e)
4.0.0 (2024-08-17)
- config: overrides no longer merge with defaults
- extensions: add helpview.nvim (6ee2234), closes #122
- extensions: add neogit (#117) (31f31f2), closes #116
- extensions: more complete hls for gitsigns.nvim (abc44e4)
- extensions: support transparent fzflua window (1854b40), closes #120
- config: overrides no longer merge with defaults (458f1ed)
- extensions: remove redundant underline property from helpview links (9454c83)
3.8.0 (2024-08-06)
- ci: use built in token for label removal (0669430)
- config: consistent hl type in overrides function and table (8550789)
- extras-rio: Fix dimmed and light colors for light theme (0c277c0)
- extras: kitty base16 correction on brights (color8) (#110) (6f91fff)
- cache: use JSON encoding for cached theme (bca6544)
3.7.0 (2024-07-27)
- cache: add experimental cache option to improve load times (462f2ca)
- extensions: migrate treesitter config to an extensions (11b9eca)
- extras: add rio terminal (02b29be)
- highlight undercurl only for spell groups (0db72c2), closes #103
3.6.0 (2024-07-23)
- extensions: add grug-far.nvim (916102a)
- extensions: add markdown.nvim (ba25d43)
- extras: zed - add cursor color and change active line bg (#101) (2208cfe)
- markdown: add missing H6 highlight (7d658e7)
3.5.0 (2024-07-18)
- extensions: add hop.nvim (70470cb)
- extensions: add markview.nvim (958ad23)
- extensions: improve bg contrast for markview.nvim headings (d96290a)
- extras: add zed editor theme (7d75ae8)
- palette: remove mostly unused 'lightgrey' color (b3125d5)
- base: improve distinction between builtin and defintion types (b36e661), closes #96
- ci: skip doc push step on pull requests (cdfab47)
- extensions: correctly name mixed leap/gitsigns extensions (b91d2b1)
- extras: Add modified, warning and error colors to zed theme (#98) (2b52b8b)
3.4.0 (2024-07-06)
- dx: port folke's "dev mode" from tokyonight (1abba18)
- extensions: add gitpad.nvim (#88) (6bcfdd6)
- extensions: add kubectl.nvim (#88) (9820cc3)
- extensions: add trouble.nvim (#88) (b23ea93)
- ci: ignore selene warning for .lazy.lua (0d9bcca)
- config: typo in extension type definition (#90) (d118d45)
- use bg instead of fg for diff highlight groups (852cede)
- ci: use pre-compiled selene (e8608c3)
3.3.0 (2024-06-29)
- add support for toggleable extensions (#82) (07d5a85)
- extensions: add alpha, cmp, dashboard, grapple (6af8320)
- extensions: add explicit full 'mini.nvim' support (#86) (63a4dbe)
- extensions: borderless fzf-lua theme (ba05f56), closes #81
- extensions: migrate remaining theme plugins to extensions (ad8ad48)
- mini: use solid color where
is used asfg
(3d8ee41) - missing
groups (8e5bf0b) - visual mode contrast (e5b5f34)
3.2.0 (2024-06-17)
- attempted blend on transparent color after mode toggle (c326f93)
3.1.0 (2024-06-15)
- add highlight override function to config opts (#70) (344db87)
- ci: developer experience improvements (#71) (b7c5f5b)
- ci: run ci checks on pull requests (9d0662e)
- highlights: improved
readability (#74) (aec0467) - telescope: add
borderless telescope style (#75) (c1085d7) - use more distinct colors for variable types (#73) (e668b02)
- blended transparent color cuasing error (99746e8)
3.0.0 (2024-06-13)
- un-break previous breaking change 💩
- un-break previous breaking change 💩 (78b6bc0)
2.0.0 (2024-06-12)
- theme toggling highlighting issues (#66)
- check colorscheme setting before executing update autocmd (1801de8)
- theme toggling highlighting issues (#66) (943ba0a)
1.9.0 (2024-06-08)
- add 'auto' option to use vim.o.background for light/dark theme (ce0a60d), closes #63
- add vim cmd to toggle between theme modes (#56) (17f9e55)
- extras: add tmux extra (#59) (9eb7c63)
- release 1.9.0 (69cedc7)
1.8.0 (2024-06-03)
1.7.0 (2024-05-18)
- add theme variant field to config class (3b5e1df)
- docs: small typo in readme (0511451)
- improve contrast for line numbers (5827dc9)
- low contrast counter in telelscope light theme (0511451)
1.6.0 (2024-05-11)
1.5.0 (2024-05-07)
- add lua type annotations to config (cf39bc4)
- add support for mini.files (2615669)
- extras: add lazydocker extra (eecc28a)
- extras: add support for zellij (#40) (a9cb4b2)
1.4.0 (2024-05-05)
- add helix theme extra (#28) (2420116)
- CI: update CI and other QoL updates (#39) (5f60b64)
- extras: auto-generate extras (#37) (61b2a27)
- gitui: Basic theme setup for gitui (#36) (03251ad)
1.3.0 (2024-05-03)
1.2.1 (2024-04-30)
- differentiate matches when replacing with /gc (d777f1b)
- set CursorLine hl to visible color (528085b)
1.2.0 (2024-04-28)
- typo in default config properties (8008e70)
1.1.0 (2024-04-27)
- change wezterm cursor_fg (#19) (75966c7)
- use non-conflicting hl for quickfix list (d400d3f), closes #17
1.0.1 (2024-04-27)
- set TS @variable to built-in color (eaabbae)
- use visible color for colorcolumn highlight (341178e), closes #16
- Add highlights for dashboard-nvim (#7) (6c193f4)
- add lazygit theme extra (920f867)
- add noice lsp progress highlight groups (917f81d)
- add opts for colors highlights & telescope (#6) (eedbda3)
- add opts for terminal colors (#11) (78a1024)
- add popular terminal emulator themes (265ed77)
- add support for heirline and gitsigns (2276cda)
- add support for lualine (#2) (2988070)
- add support for rainbow-delimiters.nvim (7daee3d)
- add tmtheme extra (93c4567)
- cleaner-looking folds (82af167), closes #13
- define highlight for telescope selection (279d997)
- make cursor line transparent by default (7fa0734)
- add missing heirline highlight group (f1ff29b)
- add missing TS fallbacks for md headings (3acf4fa)
- cmp match hidden on selected item (f90f0e1)
- overly bright fillchar HLs when enbabled (7422b6c)
- swap fg with bg in heirline hl groups (aa28bc7)
- typo in WinSeparator highlight group (a80be2f)
- untested wezterm theme errors (fadfe60)
- update lazygit config schema url (1845546)
- use bg highlight color for visual selection (16833ca), closes #9