A lightweight Elixir SDK for sending, receiving, and acknowledging messages in Sequin.
See the docs on Hex.
Sequin can be installed by adding sequin
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:sequin, "~> 0.1.0"}
To use Sequin in your application, you'll need to configure it in your config.exs
file. Add the following configuration:
# config/config.exs
config :sequin,
base_url: System.get_env("SEQUIN_URL") || "http://localhost:7673"
By default, the Client is initialized using Sequin's default host and port in local development: http://localhost:7673
You'll predominantly use Sequin
to send, receive, and acknowledge messages in Sequin:
# Define your stream and consumer
stream = "your-stream-name"
consumer = "your-consumer-name"
# Send a message
case Sequin.send_message(stream, "test.1", "Hello, Sequin!") do
{:ok, %{published: 1}} ->
IO.puts("Message sent successfully")
{:error, error} ->
IO.puts("Error sending message: #{Exception.message(error)}")
# Receive a message
with {:ok, %{message: message, ack_id: ack_id}} <- Sequin.receive_message(stream, consumer),
:ok <- YourApp.process_message(message),
:ok <- Sequin.ack_message(stream, consumer, ack_id) do
IO.puts("Received and acked message: #{inspect(message)}")
{:ok, nil} ->
IO.puts("No messages available")
{:error, error} ->
IO.puts("Error: #{Exception.message(error)}")
To test code that uses Sequin, you can create temporary streams and consumers. Here's an example using ExUnit:
defmodule SequinTest do
use ExUnit.Case
alias Sequin
@stream_name "test-stream-#{System.system_time(:second)}"
@consumer_name "test-consumer-#{System.system_time(:second)}"
setup do
{:ok, _} = Sequin.create_stream(@stream_name)
{:ok, _} = Sequin.create_consumer(@stream_name, @consumer_name, "test.>")
on_exit(fn ->
# Delete the consumer
{:ok, _} = Sequin.delete_consumer(@stream_name, @consumer_name)
# Delete the stream
{:ok, _} = Sequin.delete_stream(@stream_name)
# Create a new stream
test "Stream and Consumer Lifecycle" do
# Send a message
assert {:ok, %{published: 1}} = Sequin.send_message(@stream_name, "test.1", "Hello, Sequin!")
assert YourApp.handle_messages()