Desktop apps Development framework for Crystal-lang
- Self-contained.
- Easy to distribute.
- 100 times smaller than an Electron app
- Faster and more energy efficient than an electron app.
- Safer than Electron.js : Statically compiled and statically typed : most bugs are caught at compile time (not at run-time)
- MacOS, Linux : working at developing a CLI tool to replace the makefile.
- Windows 10, 11 : WebView : The Webview part (client part) now works under Windows 11.
- Windows 10, 11 : Currenttly busy with trying to make the archiving part compatible with Windows (server part).
- "Wails for Crystal".
- "Electron for Crystal.
(The alpha version uses a Makefile as CLI for the moment)
- npm (for Svelte)
- Crystal
- A big thank to the Rucksack development team (,
- A big thanks to the Crystal developers team : straight-shoota
- A big thanks to npn (on
- Crystal:
- Svelte (with Vite):
- Webview :
- Rucsack :
- npm (in order to install Svelte).
- Should work as is.
- The system will have to be modified slighly to accomodate for the current lack of multi-threading in Crystal under Winwows.
git clone
cd CrystApp
make init
make init_svelte
make svelte_build
make app_test
open .
(and click on the app's icon) oropen
ormake run