User configuration files with an emphasis on macOS, although an incomplete effort has been made to support linux. Some of these files have origins in Debian's /etc/skel/
WARNING These instructions are nowhere near complete and/or correct. Following them may be dangerous!
WARNING If you plan on using these, you will likely want to fork this repository before using so you can make changes
xcode-select -p || xcode-select --install
install -m 0700 -d ~/opt
chflags hidden ~/opt
I don't recommend installing homebrew in the default location of /usr/local
. Too much other software will pollute that directory, some of which could conflict with homebrew. The major disadvantage of installing homebrew elsewhere is that much of what homebrew installs will need to be compiled on your computer instead of taking advantage of the pre-compiled 'bottles' that homebrew provides
git clone ~/opt/brew
~/opt/brew/bin/brew tap homebrew/cask
DANGER You probably have some or many of these files with important settings. Overwriting them could be bad.
WARNING Don't use a .bash_profile
. It will prevent .profile
from being read. Merge any changes you care about in .bash_profile
into either .profile
or a custom .bash.d/*.sh
git clone --recurse-submodules ~/opt/env
install -m 0700 -d ~/.ssh/mux
install -m 0750 -d ~/.vim/spell
install -m 0600 ~/opt/env/gitconfig{.tmpl,}
install -m 0600 ~/opt/env/bash.d/{.tmpl,}
nano ~/opt/env/bash.d/
for dotfile in bash.d bash_logout bashrc condarc editrc \
gitattributes gitconfig gitignore_global \
hgignore_global inputrc nanorc profile \
Rprofile ssh/config tmux-darwin.conf \
tmux-linux.conf tmux-theme.conf tmux.conf \
vim/bundle vimrc; do
ln -s ~/opt/env/"$dotfile" "$HOME/.$dotfile"
git config --global "John Doe"
git config --global "[email protected]"
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global
git config --global core.editor "nano"
git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain
brew install colordiff coreutils ctags docker-completion \
git-lfs go htop lesspipe nano \
python qrencode reattach-to-user-namespace tio tmux xz \
brew install --cask balenaetcher bitwarden docker fontbase \
google-{chrome,drive} gimp inkscape macvim \
microsoft-{excel,onenote,powerpoint,word} quarto r rstudio slack \
visual-studio-code xquartz zoom