No need of API key, No limitation on number of requests. Import the library and Just Do It !
Table of Contents
- Internet Connection
- Python 3.7+
- Chrome or Firefox browser installed on your machine
git clone
python3 install
Installing with pypi
pip3 install facebook-page-scraper
#import Facebook_scraper class from facebook_page_scraper
from facebook_page_scraper import Facebook_scraper
#instantiate the Facebook_scraper class
page_or_group_name = "Meta"
posts_count = 10
browser = "firefox"
proxy = "IP:PORT" #if proxy requires authentication then user:password@IP:PORT
timeout = 600 #600 seconds
headless = True
# get env password
fb_password = os.getenv('fb_password')
fb_email = os.getenv('fb_email')
# indicates if the Facebook target is a FB group or FB page
isGroup= False
meta_ai = Facebook_scraper(page_or_group_name, posts_count, browser, proxy=proxy, timeout=timeout, headless=headless, isGroup=isGroup)
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Description |
page_or_group_name | String | Name of the facebook page or group |
posts_count | Integer | Number of posts to scrap, if not passed default is 10 |
browser | String | Which browser to use, either chrome or firefox. if not passed,default is chrome |
proxy(optional) | String |
Optional argument, if user wants to set proxy, if proxy requires authentication then the format will be user:password@IP:PORT
timeout | Integer | The maximum amount of time the bot should run for. If not passed, the default timeout is set to 10 minutes |
headless | Boolean | Whether to run browser in headless mode?. Default is True |
isGroup | Boolean | Whether the Facebook target is a group or page. Default is False |
username | String | username to log into Facebook when scraping (recommended to use .env) |
password | String | password to log into Facebook when scraping (recommended to use .env) |
Using logged-in scraping methods may result in the permanent suspension of your account. Proceed with caution, as violating a platform's terms of service can lead to severe consequences. Exercise discretion and adhere to ethical practices when collecting data through scraping. The library/provider assumes no responsibility for any consequences resulting from the misuse of scraping methods.
#call the scrap_to_json() method
json_data = meta_ai.scrap_to_json()
"2024182624425347": {
"name": "Meta AI",
"shares": 0,
"reactions": {
"likes": 154,
"loves": 19,
"wow": 0,
"cares": 0,
"sad": 0,
"angry": 0,
"haha": 0
"reaction_count": 173,
"comments": 2,
"content": "We’ve built data2vec, the first general high-performance self-supervised algorithm for speech, vision, and text. We applied it to different modalities and found it matches or outperforms the best self-supervised algorithms. We hope this brings us closer to a world where computers can learn to solve many different tasks without supervision. Learn more and get the code:…/the-first-high-performance-self-s…",
"posted_on": "2022-01-20T22:43:35",
"video": [],
"image": [
"post_url": ""
}, ...
"id": {
"name": string,
"shares": integer,
"reactions": {
"likes": integer,
"loves": integer,
"wow": integer,
"cares": integer,
"sad": integer,
"angry": integer,
"haha": integer
"reaction_count": integer,
"comments": integer,
"content": string,
"video" : list,
"image" : list,
"posted_on": datetime, //string containing datetime in ISO 8601
"post_url": string
#call scrap_to_csv(filename,directory) method
filename = "data_file" #file name without CSV extension,where data will be saved
directory = "E:\data" #directory where CSV file will be saved
meta_ai.scrap_to_csv(filename, directory)
content of data_file.csv
2024182624425347,Meta AI,0,154,19,0,0,0,0,0,173,2,"We’ve built data2vec, the first general high-performance self-supervised algorithm for speech, vision, and text. We applied it to different modalities and found it matches or outperforms the best self-supervised algorithms. We hope this brings us closer to a world where computers can learn to solve many different tasks without supervision. Learn more and get the code:…/the-first-high-performance-self-s…",2022-01-20T22:43:35,,,
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Description |
filename | String | Name of the CSV file where post's data will be saved |
directory | String | Directory where CSV file have to be stored. |
Key | Type | Description |
id | String | Post Identifier(integer casted inside string) |
name | String | Name of the page |
shares | Integer | Share count of post |
reactions | Dictionary |
Dictionary containing reactions as keys and its count as value. Keys => ["likes","loves","wow","cares","sad","angry","haha"]
reaction_count | Integer | Total reaction count of post |
comments | Integer | Comments count of post |
content | String | Content of post as text |
video | List | URLs of video present in that post |
images | List | List containing URLs of all images present in the post |
posted_on | Datetime | Time at which post was posted(in ISO 8601 format) |
post_url | String | URL for that post |
This project uses different libraries to work properly.
If you encounter anything unusual please feel free to create issue here