All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Each PR must be accompanied by one or more corresponding changelog entries. When a new version is deployed, the changes since the last deploy should be labeled with the current date and the next changes should go under a [Next] header.
- Allow user to select queues by tabbing through the main page. (@shwavedefapp in #192)
- Make improvements to staff message experience. (@nwalters512 in #194)
- Fix regression where course names in
s would not be bold. (@james9909 in #178) - Alert last on duty staff of option to close queue when leaving. (@AlpriElse in #173)
- Use enter key to submit new question, new course, or new queue. (@rohinb2 in #161)
- Specify which queue is being deleted. (@james9909 in #179)
- Switch to maintaining our own user sessions outside of Shibboleth. (@nwalters512 in #182)
- Automatically close resolved notifications. (@james9909 in #183)
- Fix index route with empty base URL. (@nwalters512 in #160)
- Allow an admin to join any course. (@genevievehelsel in #164)
- Updated API documentation. (@genevievehelsel in #170)
- Fix readme typo and prettierignore. (@genevievehelsel in #159)
- Sort courses in "Create a queue" panel. (@ApoorvaDixit in #167)
- Update README. (@genevievehelsel in #171)
- Replace
with native Bootstrap 4.2.1 components. (@james9909 in #176)
- Log errors to
instead ofstderr
. (@nwalters512 in #152) - Add hack night advertisement banner. (@genevievehelsel in #157)
- Changed cancel question modal to contain clearer messages. (@Xiangmingchen in #141)
- Remove slash from the index route. (@nwalters512 in #158)
- Fix queues and course sorting. (@genevievehelsel in #150)
- Remove message code from API prototyping phase. (@nwalters512 in #151)
- Add open and closed cards to course pages. (@genevievehelsel in #142)
- Upgrade to Next 7 and React 16.5.2. (@nwalters512 in #143)
- Sort queues and courses by name. (@genevievehelsel in #144)
- Fix bug on course page with queues shown. (@genevievehelsel in #145)
- Add ability to write custom messages on queues. (@nwalters512 in #148)
- Reorganize directory structure. (@nwalters512 in #108)
- Remove location from notifications if the queue is a fixed-location queue. (@redsn0w422 in #123)
- Add
npm run fix-lint-js
to fix linter errors that can be fixed automatically. (@redsn0w422 in #127) - Allow a queue to be closed and reopened. (@genevievehelsel in #128)
- Fix confirm modal
to makedescText
not required. (@josh-byster, @PradyumnaShome, and @jrogge in #130) - Upgrade to Next.js 6 and add page transitions. (@nwalters512 in #133)
- Enable Now snapshot deploys on PRs. (@nwalters512 in #136)
- Switch to using our next-page-transitions library. (@nwalters512 in #134)
- Show dev workshop ad on homepage. (@nwalters512 in #107)
- Fix course shortcode link to work in browsers besides Chrome. (@nwalters512 in #101)
- Custom error page with consistent header, footer, and button to navigate to homepage. (@JParisFerrer in #103)
- Add notifications for students when their question is being answered. (@zwang180 in #94)
- Add University of Illinois/NCSA license. (@nwalters512 in #106)
- Properly handle any errors thrown in the API route handlers. (@nwalters512 in #86)
- Run CI tests using a MySQL database. (@nwalters512 in #95)
- Update all
dependencies. (@nwalters512 in #91) - Show NetID for non-active staff; add tests for question rendering. (@nwalters512 in #93)
- Redesign course homepage to use the new queue cards; add information about the course shortcode link. (@nwalters512 in #88)
- Allow course staff and admins to add questions on behalf of other students. (@nwalters512 in #96)
- Show queue name and location on queue page. (@sgorse in #81)
- Add ability to edit existing queues. (@zwang180 in #78)
- Fix #89 by only checking in one queue for another question being answered by the same user. (@nwalters512 in #90)
- Correctly display number of questions when first creating a queue. (@zwang180 in #84)
- Improve spacing of course buttons on homepage. (@nwalters512 in #60)
- Add support and tooling for Sequelize database migrations. (@nwalters512 in #56)
- Add confirmation prompt for cancelling and deleting student questions. (@muakasan in #71)
- Hide new question panel for active course staff. (@genevievehelsel in #61)
- Updated README with information about the queue as a service for users at Illinois. (@wadefagen in #73)
- Add temporary fix for #74. (@nwalters512 in #76)
- Trim whitespace from netids when adding course staff. (@nwalters512 in #67)
- Improve behavior of "Start answering" button. (@nwalters512 in #68)
- Add support for fixed-location queues. (@nwalters512 in #69)
- Add changelog. (@nwalters512 in #34)
- Add Travis and Prettier support. (@nwalters512 in #37)
- Allow course staff to see netids next to student name. (@genevievehelsel in #32)
- Automatically redirect to a current queue or course page if visiting a closed queue. (@Muakasan in #40)
- Rebrand from CS@Illinois Queues to Queues@Illinois. (@genevievehelsel in #42)
- Add web manifest for "Add to Home Screen" on Android. (@shreyas208 in #29)
- Fix typo in user profile settings component. (@genevievehelsel in #55)
- Add footer containing link to GitHub repository. (@nwalters512 in #53)
- Improve course staff list appearance and functionality.
- Add support for parrots :fastparrot:
- Add proper 404 handling for all pages.
- Order course staff by name and netid instead of db ID.
- Show name of person who is answering the question. (@nwalters512 in #20)
- Implement prettier and more functional homepage. (@nwalters512 in #1)
- Allow student to edit topic and location of a qeustion that's already on the queue. (@genevievehelsel in #18)
- Add support for course shortcodes. (@nwalters512 in #26)
- Make dotenv setup the first thing to run when starting the app. (@nwalters512 in #30)
- Initial public deploy to