Golang wrapper for the Last.fm API 2.0
Get the source codes from github :
% go get github.com/shkh/lastfm-go/lastfm
Import the package :
import "github.com/shkh/lastfm-go/lastfm"
First, create an API instance with your API KEY
api := lastfm.New (ApiKey, ApiSecret)
Note that some API methods require your user's permission, so make sure that your requests are authenticated before calling these methods. See "Authentication" section.
API instances contain the structs which represent API classes, and each struct has methods corresponding to their API methods.
So you can call artist.getTopTracks
for example as following:
result, _ := api.Artist.GetTopTracks(lastfm.P{"artist": "Avicii"}) //discarding error
for _, track := range result.Tracks {
Methods that fetch some data return their result as a struct named ClassMethod
(e.g. api.User.GetInfo returns its result of type UserGetInfo).
They can be found in class_result.go
Please look at the file to see which fields are exported.
You can use lastfm.P
for arguments.
It's just an alias to map[string]interface{}
, but values must be string
, int
, int64
(for unix timestamp) or []string
Slice of string, []string, can be used for passing multiple values for a key.
//album.addTags (auth required)
api.Album.AddTags(lastfm.P{ //discarding error
"artist": "Kaene",
"album": "Strangeland",
"tags": []string{"britpop", "alternative rock", "2012"},
There are three ways to authenticate your requests, which to choose depends on what kind of application you are making.
for Mobile Apps
err = api.Login (username, password)
for Desktop Apps
token, _ = api.GetToken () //discarding error authUrl = api.GetAuthTokenUrl (token) //Send your user to "authUrl" //Once the user grant permission, then authorize the token. api.LoginWithToken (token) //discarding error
for Web Apps
callback = "https://spam.hum" authUrl, _ = api.GetAuthRequestUrl (callback) //Send your user to "authUrl" //Get the token embeded in the redirected URL, then authorize the token. api.LoginWithToken (token) //discarding error
- artist.addTags
- artist.getCorrection
- artist.getInfo
- artist.getSimilar
- artist.getTags
- artist.getTopAlbums
- artist.getTopTags
- artist.getTopTracks
- artist.removeTag
- artist.search
- tag.getInfo
- tag.getSimilar
- tag.getTopAlbums
- tag.getTopArtists
- tag.getTopTags
- tag.getTopTracks
- tag.getWeeklyChartList
- track.addTags
- track.getCorrection
- track.getInfo
- track.getSimilar
- track.getTags
- track.getTopTags
- track.love
- track.removeTag
- track.scrobble
- track.search
- track.unlove
- track.updateNowPlaying
- user.getArtistTracks
- user.getFriends
- user.getInfo
- user.getLovedTracks
- user.getPersonalTags
- user.getRecentTracks
- user.getTopAlbums
- user.getTopArtists
- user.getTopTags
- user.getTopTracks
- user.getWeeklyAlbumChart
- user.getWeeklyArtistChart
- user.getWeeklyChartList
- user.getWeeklyTrackChart
MIT Licenced. See LICENCE.