Created as part of inspishop e-commerce platform by inspirum team.
Offers implementation of Balikobot API v2 described in the documentation
- Support for all API requests
- Simple add/track/drop package methods
- All package options are accessible via setter and getter methods
- The entire code is covered by unit and integration tests
- Customizable Requester for easy functionality expandability (caching, etc.)
- By default, Requester use Curl without SSL verification (
- By default, Requester use Curl without SSL verification (
See more available methods' documentation in Usage section.
All the code snippets shown here are modified for clarity, so they may not be executable.
// get credentials
$apiUser = getenv('BALIKOBOT_API_USER');
$apiKey = getenv('BALIKOBOT_API_KEY');
// init balikobot class
$requester = new Requester($apiUser, $apiKey, sslVerify: true);
$balikobot = new Balikobot($requester);
// create new package collection for specific shipper
$packages = new PackageCollection(Shipper::CP);
// create new package
$package = new Package();
$package->setRecName('Josef Novák');
// add package to collection
// upload packages to balikobot
$orderedPackages = $balikobot->addPackages($packages);
// save package IDs
$data = [];
$data['packages'] = $orderedPackages->getPackageIds();
// save track URL for each package
foreach($orderedPackages as $orderedPackage) {
$data['trackUrl'][] = $orderedPackage->getTrackUrl();
// order shipment for packages
$orderedShipment = $balikobot->orderShipment($orderedPackages);
// save order ID and labels URL
$data['orderId'] = $orderedShipment->getOrderId();
$data['labelsUrl'] = $orderedShipment->getLabelsUrl();
$data['handoverUrl'] = $orderedShipment->getHandoverUrl();
'packages' => [
0 => 42719
1 => 42720
'trackUrl' => [
0 => ''
1 => ''
'orderId' => 2757
'labelsUrl' => ''
'handoverUrl' => ''
// check if packages data is valid
try {
} catch (ExceptionInterface $exception) {
return $exception->getErrors();
// drop packages if shipment is not ordered yet
// track last package status
$status = $balikobot->trackPackageLastStatus($orderedPackages[0]);
Inspirum\Balikobot\Model\Values\PackageStatus {
'date' => DateTime { '2018-07-02 09:15:01.000000' }
'id' => 2.2
'name' => 'Zásilka byla doručena příjemci.'
'description' => 'Dodání zásilky. (77072 - Depo Olomouc 72)'
'type' => 'event'
$branches = $balikobot->getBranchesForShipperForCountries(
foreach($branches as $branch) {
Inspirum\Balikobot\Model\Values\Branch {
private $shipper => 'zasilkovna'
private $service => null
private $branchId => '10000'
private $uid => 'VMCZ-zasilkovna-branch-10000'
private $id => '10000'
private $type => 'branch'
private $name => 'Hradec Králové, Dukelská tř. 1713/7 (OC Atrium - Traficon) Tabák Traficon'
private $city => 'Hradec Králové'
private $street => 'Dukelská tř. 1713/7'
private $zip => '50002'
private $cityPart => null
private $district => 'okres Hradec Králové'
private $region => 'Královéhradecký kraj'
private $country => 'CZ'
Run composer require command:
composer require inspirum/balikobot
or add a requirement to your composer.json
"inspirum/balikobot": "^5.0"
Support all options for Balikobot API v2 described in the official documentation until v1.933 (2021-07-29).
If you want to use older API v1, please use ^4.0
More details are available in changelog.
The module contains several helper classes that contain most of the constants needed to work with the Balikobot API.
Support all options for Balikobot API described in given documentation.
Extension over Client that uses custom DTO classes as an input and output for its methods.
To run unit tests, run:
composer test:test
You can also run only Unit or Integration test suites, run:
composer test:unit
composer test:integration
To show coverage, run:
composer test:coverage
To run all test (phpcs, phpstan, phpunit, etc.), run:
composer test
For testing purposes, you can use these credentials:
- API username:
- API key:
Please see CONTRIBUTING and CODE_OF_CONDUCT for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.