Simple nodejs helper script to prepare the strings in a TypeScript files for using the Angular i18n.
(Implemented while working for on dcm4chee-arc-light UI2 project).
If you don't have nodejs on your Operating System install it first.
Clone this project (or use npm install ng-ts-localizer
git clone
Navigate to the project and install the needed packages
cd proxy
npm install
Run the ng-ts-localizer:
node index.js --path=/thepathtotheproject/
absolute path to the folder that should be chekced, this parameter is optional if it's not set it will search the folder where the script is located (You have to set this paramtere if you got the script from npm install
By calling the script in the folder where following file myapp.component.ts
is located:
let test= {
description:"Test description" //Using double quots (")
key:"testKey" //Text without empty space will be not touched
let string2 = 'Single text example'; //Using single quots (')
let string3 = "Hallo I'm the third text" //Using quot in the text
It will convert it to:
let test= {
description:$localize `:@@myapp.test_description:Test description` //Using double quots (")
key:"testKey" //Text without empty space will be ignored
let string2 = $localize `:@@myapp.single_text_example:Single text example`; //Using single quots (')
let string3 = $localize `:@@myapp.hallo_im_the_third_text:Hallo I'm the third text` //Using quot in the text
This script is ment to be as helper script, you are running this script on your own risc, navigate first to the file what you want to modify and use git diff to check if the modiffication is correct after run!