A sigstore java client for interacting with sigstore infrastructure
You can file issues directly on this project or if you have any questions message us on the sigstore#java slack channel
- Java 11
For use directly with your java build. See maven or gradle build plugin specifics.
Path testArtifact = Paths.get("path/to/my/file.jar")
// sign using the sigstore public instance
var signer = KeylessSigner.builder().sigstorePublicDefaults().build();
Bundle result = signer.signFile(testArtifact);
// sigstore bundle format (serialized as <artifact>.sigstore.json)
String bundleJson = result.toJson();
Path artifact = Paths.get("path/to/my-artifact");
// import a json formatted sigstore bundle
Path bundleFile = Paths.get("path/to/my-artifact.sigstore.json");
Bundle bundle = Bundle.from(bundleFile, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
// add certificate policy to verify the identity of the signer
VerificationOptions options = VerificationOptions.builder().addCertificateMatchers(
.subjectAlternativeName(StringMatcher.string("[email protected]"))
try {
// verify using the sigstore public instance
var verifier = new KeylessVerifier.builder().sigstorePublicDefaults().build();
verifier.verify(artifact, bundle, verificationOptions);
// verification passed!
} catch (KeylessVerificationException e) {
// verification failed
sigstore-java doesn't create DSSE bundles yet, but it can verify the signatures over them with the same KeylessVerifier workflow detailed above. While sigstore-java inspects the embedded payload to ensure the provided artifact is a subject in the in-toto statement it is not able to make any further assertions about the payload. Consumers of DSSE bundles should inspect the embedded payload to verify extended attestation data using tools like slsa-verifier.
The public stable API is limited to dev.sigstore.KeylessSigner
and dev.sigstore.KeylessVerifier
and the classes exposed by those APIs. Other classes in the library are subject to change without notice.
You can browse Javadoc at https://javadoc.io/doc/dev.sigstore/sigstore-java.
To build and view javadoc from the sources, use the following command:
$ ./gradlew javadoc
$ "my-favorite-browser" ./sigstore-java/build/docs/javadoc/index.html