The main purpose of this library is to faciliate the reusability of data and data processing pipelines. For this, damast introduces a means to associate metadata with data frames and enables consistency checking.
To ensure semantic consistency, transformation steps in a pipeline can be annotated with allowed data ranges for inputs and outputs, as well as units.
class LatLonTransformer(PipelineElement):
The LatLonTransformer will consume a lat(itude) and a lon(gitude) column and perform
cyclic normalization. It will add four columns to a dataframe, namely lat_x, lat_y, lon_x, lon_y.
@damast.core.describe("Lat/Lon cyclic transformation")
"lat": {"unit": units.deg},
"lon": {"unit": units.deg}
"lat_x": {"value_range": MinMax(-1.0, 1.0)},
"lat_y": {"value_range": MinMax(-1.0, 1.0)},
"lon_x": {"value_range": MinMax(-1.0, 1.0)},
"lon_y": {"value_range": MinMax(-1.0, 1.0)}
def transform(self, df: AnnotatedDataFrame) -> AnnotatedDataFrame:
lat_cyclic_transformer = CycleTransformer(features=["lat"], n=180.0)
lon_cyclic_transformer = CycleTransformer(features=["lon"], n=360.0)
_df = lat_cyclic_transformer.fit_transform(df=df)
_df = lon_cyclic_transformer.fit_transform(df=_df)
df._dataframe = _df
return df
For detailed examples, check the documentation at:
Firstly, you will want to create you an isolated development environment for Python, that being conda or venv-based. The following will go through a venv based setup.
Let us assume you operate with a 'workspace' directory for this project:
cd workspace
Here, you will create a virtual environment. Get an overview over venv (command):
python -m venv --help
Create your venv and activate it:
python -m venv damast-venv
source damast-venv/bin/activate
Clone the repo and install:
git clone
cd damast
pip install -e ".[test,dev]"
or alternatively:
pip install damast[test,dev]
If you prefer to work or start with a docker container you can build it using the provided Dockerfile
docker build -t damast:latest -f Dockerfile .
To enter the container:
docker run -it --rm damast:latest /bin/bash
To get the usage documentation it is easiest to check the published documentation here.
Otherwise, you can also locally generate the latest documentation once you installed the package:
tox -e build_docs
Then open the documentation with a browser:
<yourbrowser> _build/html/index.html
Install the project and use the predefined default test environment:
tox -e py
This project is open to contributions. For details on how to contribute please check the Contribution Guidelines
This project is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License.
Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Simula Research Laboratory, Oslo, Norway
This work has been derived from work that is part of the T-SAR project Some derived work is mainly part of the specific data processing for the 'maritime' domain.
The development of this library is part of the EU-project AI4COPSEC which receives funding from the Horizon Europe framework programme under Grant Agreement N. 101190021.