The Siphoc PDF Bundle provides an easy way to create PDF's from your views.
Add SiphocPdfBundle to composer.
"require": {
"siphoc/pdf-bundle": "2.0.*"
Install the bundle:
$ composer.phar update siphoc/pdf-bundle
Composer will install the bundle with the required dependencies.
In your AppKernel add the following:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Siphoc\PdfBundle\SiphocPdfBundle(),
In your config.yml file:
basepath: "%kernel.root_dir%/../web"
binary: "/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf"
'lowquality': false
'enable-javascript': true
'debug-javascript': true
In your controller, you can download the contents of your controller like this:
$pdfGenerator = $this->get('siphoc.pdf.generator');
return $pdfGenerator->downloadFromView(
'AcmeDemoBundle:Demo:index.html.twig', array(
'name' => $name,
There's also an option to display the contents in the browser. To do so, use the following example:
$pdfGenerator = $this->get('siphoc.pdf.generator');
return $pdfGenerator->displayForView(
'AcmeDemoBundle:Demo:index.html.twig', array(
'name' => $name,
The main Documentation can be found in Resources/doc/index.html. It is auto-generated by PHPDocumentor2. The directory itself is excluded through git because we use the PHPDoc Markdown plugin to create proper MD files to include in Git.
If you want to contribute, be sure to update the documentation and run both PHPDocumentor2 and PHPDoc Markdown. This way the documentation keeps up to date properly.
This bundle is mainly created and maintained for Darwin Analytics.
For tests I've used PHPUnit. Contributions need to be supported with tests.
This bundle is under the MIT License.
For external calls, I've included the Buzz Bundle from @kriswallsmith.
To create the actual PDF. We're using Snappy. This has the wkhtmltopdf dependency. Be sure that you use the latest version (>=0.11.0_rc1).
Since this is a Symfony bundle, there are some Symfony dependencies.
To create a proper response, I've implemented the Symfony 2.1 Http Foundation component.
To render the views automatically, I've added the templating component to force a proper templating engine.
Since version 1.1.2 we've implemented a logger instance. This depends on the Symfony2 HttpKernel component.