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sttp is a family of Scala HTTP-related projects, and currently includes:

  • sttp client: The Scala HTTP client you always wanted!
  • sttp tapir: rapid development of self-documenting APIs
  • sttp model: this project; simple HTTP model classes (used by client & tapir)
  • sttp shared: shared web socket, FP abstractions, capabilities and streaming code.
  • sttp apispec: OpenAPI, AsyncAPI and JSON Schema models.
  • sttp openai: Scala client wrapper for OpenAI and OpenAI-compatible APIs. Use the power of ChatGPT inside your code!

Quickstart with sbt

Add the following dependency:

"com.softwaremill.sttp.model" %% "core" % "1.7.13"

sttp model is available for 2.12, 2.13, 3, Scala.JS and Scala Native.

Project content

Available model classes include:

  • Uri
  • Method
  • StatusCode
  • MediaType
  • Header
  • HeaderNames
  • QueryParams
  • body fragments:
    • Part
    • ServerSentEvent
  • header values:
    • Accepts
    • Accept-Encoding
    • CacheDirective
    • Cookie
    • ETag
    • Range
    • ContentRange
    • WWWAuthenticateChallenge
    • Forwarded

Most classes contain both serialisation & parsing functionality, following these conventions:

  • .toString returns a representation of the model class in a format as in an HTTP request/response. For example, for an uri this will be http://..., for a header [name]: [value], etc.
  • [SthCompanionObject].parse(serialized: String): Either[String, Sth]: returns an error message, or an instance of the model class
  • [SthCompanionObject].unsafeApply(values): creates an instance of the model class; validates the input values and in case of an error, throws an exception. An error could be e.g. that the input values contain characters outside the allowed range
  • [SthCompanionObject].safeApply(...): Either[String, Sth]: same as above, but doesn't throw exceptions. Instead, returns an error message, or the model class instance
  • [SthCompanionObject].apply(...): Sth: creates the model type, without validation, and without throwing exceptions



The docs for sttp client contain documentation for the model classes: overview, uri interpolator.


If you have a question, or hit a problem, feel free to ask on our discourse forum!

Or, if you encounter a bug, something is unclear in the code or documentation, don’t hesitate and open an issue on GitHub.

Testing Scala.js

Scala.js tests require chromedriver. It is downloaded automatically by the test task. Make sure to run it before running tests in any other way, e.g. using testOnly.

Building & testing the scala-native version

By default, sttp-native will not be included in the aggregate build of the root project. To include it, define the STTP_NATIVE environmental variable before running sbt, e.g.:


You might need to install some additional libraries, see the scala native documentation site.

FAQ: Encoding & decoding URI components

See sttp client Uri docs

Commercial Support

We offer commercial support for sttp and related technologies, as well as development services. Contact us to learn more about our offer!


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