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sohanemon/utils is a collection of utility functions and hooks designed to simplify common tasks in modern web development. It includes utilities for handling objects, cookies, class name merging, and more. The library is built with TypeScript and is fully typed, ensuring a smooth and error-free development experience.


  • Object Utilities: Functions to manipulate and access nested object properties.
  • Cookie Management: Functions to set, get, delete, and check for cookies.
  • Class Name Merging: A utility to merge class names with Tailwind CSS and custom logic.
  • Responsive Media Queries: Hooks to detect media queries based on Tailwind CSS breakpoints.
  • Debounce and Throttle: Utilities to control the rate of function execution.
  • Copy to Clipboard: A hook to copy text to the clipboard and track the copy status.
  • Local Storage Management: A hook to persist state in local storage.
  • URL Parameter Management: A hook to manage URL parameters as state.
  • DOM Calculation: Hooks to calculate dimensions of elements based on viewport and other block dimensions.


You can install sohanemon/utils using npm or yarn:

npm install @sohanemon/utils


yarn add @sohanemon/utils


Importing Utilities

You can import individual utilities or hooks as needed:

import { cn, getObjectValue, setClientSideCookie } from '@sohanemon/utils';


Class Name Merging

import { cn } from '@sohanemon/utils';

const className = cn('bg-blue-500', 'text-white', 'p-4', 'rounded-lg');

Object Utilities

import { getObjectValue } from '@sohanemon/utils';

const obj = { a: { b: { c: 1 } } };
const value = getObjectValue(obj, 'a.b.c'); // 1

Cookie Management

import { setClientSideCookie, getClientSideCookie } from '@sohanemon/utils';

setClientSideCookie('username', 'sohanemon', 7);
const { value } = getClientSideCookie('username'); // 'sohanemon'

Responsive Media Queries

import { useMediaQuery } from '@sohanemon/utils';

const isMobile = useMediaQuery('sm');

Debounce and Throttle

import { debounce, throttle } from '@sohanemon/utils';

const debouncedFunction = debounce(() => console.log('Debounced!'), 300);
const throttledFunction = throttle(() => console.log('Throttled!'), 300);

Copy to Clipboard

import { useCopyToClipboard } from '@sohanemon/utils/hooks';

const { isCopied, copy } = useCopyToClipboard();

return (
    <button onClick={() => copy('Hello, World!')}>Copy</button>
    {isCopied && <span>Copied!</span>}

Local Storage Management

import { useLocalStorage } from '@sohanemon/utils/hooks';

const [value, setValue] = useLocalStorage('myKey', 'initialValue');

return (
      onChange={(e) => setValue(}

URL Parameter Management

import { useUrlParams } from '@sohanemon/utils/hooks';

const [param, setParam] = useUrlParams('myParam', 'defaultValue');

return (
      onChange={(e) => setParam(}

DOM Calculation

import { useDomCalculation } from '@sohanemon/utils/hooks';

const { height, width } = useDomCalculation({
  blockIds: ['header', 'footer'],
  margin: 20,
  substract: true,

return (
  <div style={{ height, width }}>

API Documentation

Class Name Merging

cn(...inputs: ClassValue[]): string

Object Utilities

getObjectValue<T, K extends Array<string | number>, D>(
  obj: T,
  path: K,
  defaultValue: D
): Exclude<GetValue<T, K>, undefined> | D;

getObjectValue<T, K extends Array<string | number>>(
  obj: T,
  path: K
): GetValue<T, K> | undefined;

getObjectValue<T, S extends string, D>(
  obj: T,
  path: S,
  defaultValue: D
): Exclude<GetValue<T, SplitPath<S>>, undefined> | D;

getObjectValue<T, S extends string>(
  obj: T,
  path: S
): GetValue<T, SplitPath<S>> | undefined;

Cookie Management

setClientSideCookie(name: string, value: string, days?: number, path?: string): void
deleteClientSideCookie(name: string, path?: string): void
hasClientSideCookie(name: string): boolean
getClientSideCookie(name: string): { value: string | undefined }

Responsive Media Queries

useMediaQuery(tailwindBreakpoint: 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | '2xl' | `(${string})`): boolean

Debounce and Throttle

debounce<F extends (...args: any[]) => any>(
  function_: F,
  wait?: number,
  options?: { immediate?: boolean }
): DebouncedFunction<F>

throttle<F extends (...args: any[]) => any>(
  function_: F,
  wait?: number,
  options?: { leading?: boolean; trailing?: boolean }
): ThrottledFunction<F>

Copy to Clipboard

useCopyToClipboard({ timeout?: number }): { isCopied: boolean; copy: (value: string) => void }

Local Storage Management

useLocalStorage<T extends Record<string, any>>(key: string, defaultValue: T): LocalStorageValue<T>

URL Parameter Management

useUrlParams<T extends string | number | boolean>(key: string, defaultValue: T): [T, (value: T) => void]

DOM Calculation

  blockIds: string[];
  dynamic?: boolean | string;
  margin?: number;
  substract?: boolean;
  onChange?: (results: {
    blocksHeight: number;
    blocksWidth: number;
    remainingWidth: number;
    remainingHeight: number;
  }) => void;
}): { height: number; width: number }


Contributions are welcome! Please read the file for guidelines on how to contribute to the project.


This project is licensed under the ISC License - see the LICENSE file for details.



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