I have no idea what I am doing >.> but feel free to look around
This repository contains my dotfiles for my NixOS system.
echo "experimental-features = nix-command flakes" > ~/.config/nix/nix.conf
Available devices:
- alphicta (my Victus 16-e0003nq laptop)
- bethium (office all-in-one pc)
- zetalyeh ("server" machine under my desk - formerly chtulhu)
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#<hostname>
You can update the pinned flake packages with nix flake update
The hostnames follow a Greek letter + mythology/reference naming scheme:
alphicta: From "alpha" (first) + "invicta" (undefeated/invincible)
- Named for surviving multiple DIY repairs including drilled holes when hinges failed
bethium: From "beta" + "-ium" (element suffix like Ruthenium)
zetalyeh: From "zeta" + "R'lyeh" (Lovecraft's sunken city)
- Previously named "chtulhu" - because of how janky it is
- Now you too can experience 2010 again...
- Main flake configuration fileflake.lock
- Tracks pinned dependencies versions
Development environment flakes used with direnv that can be symlinked into project directories
Mandatory, command so I don't forget:
ln -s ~/dotfiles/flakes/llvm.flake ./flake.nix
User-specific configurations managed by home-manager:
- Shared configurations across all profilesdesktop.nix
- Desktop-specific settingsserver.nix
- Server-specific settings
- Terminal utilities (zsh, git, gpg, etc.)communication/
- Messaging apps (vesktop)media/
- Media players and tools (spicetify)programming/
- Development environment setupmisc.nix
- Other program configurations
- Host-specific variables and settings
System-wide NixOS configurations:
- GPU drivers (AMD, NVIDIA)
- Input devices (controllers, tablet)
- System components (bluetooth)
- Laptop configurationhw_cfg_bethium.nix
- Desktop configurationhw_cfg_zetalyeh.nix
- Server configuration
- Window managers and display configurationsserver/
- Server services and settings- Core system modules (boot, fonts, users, etc.)
- Steam Deck-like interface configuration
This repository is under the MIT license, Read more here.