This project uses behavioral cloning to train a car to drive autonomously in a simulator. The simulator provides images from three cameras mounted on the car, as well as the steering angle, throttle, brake, and speed of the car. The goal is to train a neural network to predict the steering angle based on the images from the three cameras. The neural network is a Convolutional Neural Network trained using Keras and TensorFlow. I would like to thank the TensorFlow Research Cloud for providing the TPU v4-8 used during training.
The simulator can be downloaded from:
I used this dataset(all 3 subsets):
The model architecture is based on the NVIDIA model:
A model checkpoint can be downloaded from:
Wandb logs:
- The main script to train the
- The script to drive the car in the
- A script to test the server(I was unable to get the simulator working on my Apple Silicon Mac, so I used this to test)