by @sreid.
This is a simple getting started guide to setting up a Raspberry Pi to connect to the AWS Iot platform.
- Raspberry Pi with a working install of Raspbian
- SSH or command line interfaces to the Pi
NodeJS is not currently in the Pi sources, however it can be easily with the following steps:
sudo dpkg -i node_latest_armhf.deb
node -v # v4.0.0
(based on instructions found here)
For the code files, as well as for the certificates.
mkdir ~/aws-iot && cd ~/aws-iot
mkdir ~/aws-iot/certs
npm install
In the console, created a "Thing" called "pi_2".
Then on that thing's detail view, "Connect a Device"
Choose "NodeJS" and click "Generate Certificate & Policy". This will create a keypair, as well as add a policy to the pi_2 thing.
Be sure to download the certificate, public key, & private key to your computer.
###Copy Certificates to the Pi
Copy the <your-cert>-certificate.pem.crt
and the <your-cert>-private.pem.key
files to the ~/aws-iot/certs
directory on your Pi
Also, grab the AWS CA certificate that's available from Symantec. This is for the MQTT client to verify it is connecting to a valid, Amazon controlled, server.
curl > certs/rootCA.pem
The pi.js script in this repository will report the Pi's local IP using the AWS IoT platform. You can grab a copy from this repository here:
curl > pi.js
Edit the file and update the config block to match your setup:
var thingShadows = awsIot.thingShadow({
keyPath: './certs/<your_cert>-private.pem.key',
certPath: './certs/<your_cert>-certificate.pem.crt',
caPath: './certs/rootCA.pem',
clientId: myThingName,
region: 'us-east-1'
In the ~/aws-iot directory, run:
node pi.js
# Sample Output
Updating my IP address...
received accepted on pi_1: {"state":{"reported":{"ip":""}},"metadata":{"reported":{"ip":{"timestamp":1444691875}}},"timestamp":1444691875}
You should be able to then go to the AWS IoT console, and see the updated state information in the thing details.
Questions? Comments? Problems? Don't hesistate to get in touch. GitHub issues and pull requests are welcome. --@sreid