Would You Rather
is a web application front end built from the ground up as a UI for the provided mock backend to explore React, Redux, and Material UI.
Users will be able to answer questions, see which questions they haven’t answered, see how other people have voted, post questions, and see the ranking of users on the leaderboard.
Authenticated users will be able to:
- vote on questions asked by others
- view answered and unanswered questions
- view how other people have voted
- post new questions
- see ranking of users on the leaderboard
- application state will not persist on browser refresh
- Install all project dependencies with
npm install
- Start the development server with
npm start
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
All material design components used in this project makes use of demo examples and example styles from Material UI Component Demos, including, but not limited to the following:
This project also uses the Chirper project as reference material.