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@github-actions github-actions released this 11 Mar 15:43
· 8004 commits to latest-release since this release


Storybook 8.0 is here

It brings major improvements to Storybook's feature set for testing and documentation, with strengthened framework support across React, Vue, Angular, web-components, Svelte, and more.

  • 🩻 Built-in visual testing
  • ⚛️ React Server Component support
  • 🎛️ Improved controls for React and Vue projects
  • ⚡️ Improved Vite architecture, Vitest testing, and Vite 5 support
  • 🧪 2-4x faster Storybooks for testing
  • ✨ Refreshed desktop UI
  • 📲 Rebuilt mobile UX
  • 🙅‍♀️ No more React requirement in non-React projects

Please checkout our Migration Guide to upgrade from earlier versions of Storybook. To see a comprehensive list of changes that went into 8.0, you can refer to the 8.0 prerelease changelogs.

Thank you to all the contributors that made Storybook 8 possible 💖 @0916dhkim @1234tgk @43081j @aditya1 @adityaKrModak @agriffis @ai @alitas @almoghaimo @Amerlander @Andarist @anneau @Artur93gev @arunoda @arup1221 @ATREAY @auctumnus @bashmish @bdriguesdev @benmccann @bkfarnsworth @bodograumann @bryanjtc @cdedreuille @cgatian @chakAs3 @chocoscoding @coliff @cprecioso @danez @danielmarcano @dannyhw @dartess @Darth-koder007 @daves28 @decherneyge @devanandb @Devazc @DiamondeX @domyen @DotwoodMedia @dprcoles @drik98 @Dschungelabenteuer @dubbs @EDuToit @efrenaragon96 @epreston @FelixRizzolli @FezVrasta @filiptammergard @Flambe @francois2metz @g-cappai @githrdw @gitstart @gossi @greut @Gufah @halitiince @hcvdhaar @henkerik @hobbes7878 @Hoishin @honzahruby @iabu94 @IanVS @idesigncode @iqbalcodes6602 @irangarcia @ivoilic @j3rem1e @jackw @jared-christensen @joaonunomota @JoeKarow @joevaugh4n @joeycozza @johnhunter @jonniebigodes @jonthenerd @joriswitteman @joshbolduc @jpzwarte @JReinhold @json-betsec @julien-deramond @JungHoe @kaelig @karolstawowski @kasperpeulen @kawokas @kBazilio @kkirby @Klescouar @kolife01 @kota-kamikawa @kripod @kshmidt-digma @ksugawara61 @kubijo @kuriacka @kylegach @kylemeenehan @kyletsang @larsrickert @legnaleurc @LeniWen @literalpie @LucaVazz @Luk-z @machycek @maheshchandra10 @manbearwiz @mandarini @mariasimo @MarioCadenas @Marklb @martinnabhan @masaya48 @mastrzyz @mattlewis92 @MauricioRobayo @mdornseif @medihack @mh-ahs @michens @mickmcgrath13 @miily8310s @mlazari @mrzillagold @mvarendorff @naporin0624 @nasvillanueva @natehouk @ndelangen @nikospapcom @NilsJacobsen @nkabrown @nlepage @NotWoods @noviceGuru @nsheaps @nVitius @omahs @orangecms @oruman @osnoser1 @paoloricciuti @pascalfiv @piratetaco @pruthvip15 @pure-js @rashidshamloo @re-taro @redbugz @reyronald @Roel-t @RohanPoojary1107 @roottool @rwaight @samvv @seriouz @ShaunEvening @sheriffMoose @shilman @Showrin @Sidnioulz @sitogi @sjwilczynski @smeagol74 @sookmax @specialdoom @speelbarrow @SpookyJelly @stegano @stilt0n @stof @stropitek @subhajit20 @syabro @T99 @taehyeon-envoi @taozhou-glean @Tap-Kim @thapasusheel @thisisanto @thtliife @tmeasday @tolkadot @Tomo5524 @tsvanharen @turtle601 @tusharwebd @ubugnu @unional @usrrname @valentinpalkovic @vanessayuenn @vmizg @webblocksapp @wesgro @wilson2k @wise-introvert @wjdtjdgns @wouterk12 @wuzhuobin @xueyawei @xyy94813 @yannbf @ygkn @yilun-sun @yoshi2no @yossisaadi @youngboy @zachtball @zmarkan