This is just a demo aplication to demonstrate form render from json file based configurations.
"type": "QuestionStep",
"title":"My Car",
{"key":"CAR_SELECTED","text":"Select A Car"},
{"key":"CALL_DRIVER","text":"Call Driver Now"}
"relevantConditions":[{"id":"CALL_DRIVER","expression":"IN CALL_DRIVER"}]
"type": "QuestionStep",
"title":"Select Car",
"type": "QuestionStep",
"title":"Call / Ping Driver",
"type": "QuestionStep",
"title":"Are you Happy",
"type": "CompletionStep",
"title":"Please wait..",
await FormStack.api().buildFormFromJson(
await json.decode(await rootBundle.loadString('assets/app.json')));
GenericIdentifier(id: "IS_COMPLETED"),
onBeforeFinishCallback: (result) async {
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));/// Replace this line and add your network logic
return Future.value(true);
onFinish: (result) {
debugPrint("Completed With Result : $result");
### Render Form in UI