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A Ghidra extension that supports EVM bytecode reverse engineering.


Ghidra is an open-source interactive reverse engineering tool that provides features including disassembly, control flow graphs, decompilation, and scripting support in Java or Python for automated analysis.

However, it does not natively support the EVM architecture, a big-endian machine with a unique 256-bit word size, unlike traditional architectures such as x86, ARM, or MIPS.

To address this limitation, Mothra extends Ghidra with support for the 256-bit word size and introduces EVM analyzers to facilitate reverse engineering of EVM bytecode.

  • Supports 256-bit word size for EVM architecture compatibility
  • Compatible with all EVM opcodes, including those introduced in the Cancun upgrade
  • Custom loader enabling users to provide contract addresses or bytecode for analysis
  • Decodes and displays smart contract metadata
  • Identifies all internal function boundaries
  • Determines the number of input arguments for internal functions
  • Detects function dispatch patterns and labels function selectors


Download Ghidra, please refers to the Install section


  1. Download the latest Mothra release package to the Mothra/dist/ directory.
  2. Launch Ghidra using the command ./ghidraRun (refer to the Ghidra documentation for more details).
  3. Navigate to the File menu and select Install Extensions.
  4. Click the green + button and choose the zip file downloaded in step 1.
  5. Click OK and restart Ghidra.
  6. Begin reverse engineering with Mothra!

Installation Guidance


Click on the File menu and select Install Extension.


Click the green + button and select the release package.


  1. Download and install the Eclipse IDE for Java development.
  2. Set up the GhidraDev extension in Eclipse.
  3. Clone or fork this repository to your local machine.
  4. In Eclipse, navigate to the GhidraDev options, click Ghidra Module Source, and select this repository.
  5. The repository will appear in the Eclipse IDE.
  6. Go to the Run menu, select Run As, and choose the first option (not the headless option).
  7. Mothra will launch - start reverse engineering with Mothra!

Installation Guidance


Select the Run menu, then choose Run As, and pick the first option.



Our team developed a custom loader that allows users to provide either (1) a contract address or (2) contract bytecode.

To use it, click on the File menu and select Download Bytecode. The loader supports two modes:

  1. By Address: Select the network, provide the contract address, enter the desired file name, and click By Address.

  2. By Bytecode: Enter the desired file name, input the contract bytecode, and click By Bytecode.

The contract metadata is automatically decoded and displayed. The structure and content of the metadata are detailed here.

Smart Contract Metadata Decoding


Several analyzers are supported, and their descriptions are provided below:

Analyzer Name Analyzer Description
EVM Function Analyzer Identifies the boundaries for all internal functions.
EVM Bit Extend Analyzer Detects data types exceeding Ghidra's 64-bit limit, extends functionality using bit operations, and labels them in Mothra for clarity.
Internal Function Arguments Analyzer Detects the number of input arguments for internal functions.
Function Selector Analyzer Detects function dispatching patterns, extracts function selectors, and labels them for clarity.

Analyzer Menu: The analyzers developed by us are selected by default.

Analyzer Menu


Thank you for considering contributing to this project! We welcome contributions of all kinds, including bug fixes, new features, documentation improvements, and more.

There are some guideline for contribution:

Fork the Repository

  • Fork the project repository by clicking the Fork button on GitHub.
  • Clone your forked repository to your local machine.

Create a Branch

  • Create a new branch for your changes
  • Use a descriptive name for your branch (e.g., fix/issue-123 or feature/add-login).

Create PR on GitHub

  • Push your branch to your forked repository
  • Submit a Pull Request
  • describe your changes clearly in the pull request, please include summary, description and verification section.

Examples: Feat: add function selector analyzer