Air is a single-column theme for Hugo. Ported from Casper theme for Ghost , vjeantet/hugo-theme-casper
github actions
blog demo :
blog source :
$ git clone
$ cd hugo-theme-air
$ hugo
$ hugo server
$ curl
- VincentGarreau/particles.js
- Google Analytics (optional)
- Disqus ( can disable comments by content)
- Share buttons on Facebook, Twitter, Google (can disable share by content)
- Big cover image (optional)
- Custom cover by content (optional)
- Tagging
- Pagination
- Menu
- All blog posts are in the
folder (content/post
) - The homepage displays a paginated list of contents from the post Section (other contents may be added to main menu, see bellow)
mkdir themes
cd themes
git clone
hugo server -t hugo-theme-air
$ cat config.toml
Example : config.toml
In addition to providing data for a single author as shown in the example above, multiple authors can be configured via data/authors/*.(yml, toml, json) entries. If the key provided in matched a data/authors/* entry, it will be used as the default. Overrides per page can be done by a simple author = other_author_key entry in the front matter. For those pages where you want to omit the author block completely, a .Params.noauthor entry is also available.
$ hugo new post/
$ cat content/post/
Example author definition file:
name: John Doe
bio: The most uninteresting man in the world.
location: Normal, IL
Example override author per page file:
author = ""
date = "2014-07-11T10:54:24+02:00"
title = ""
Contents here
author = ""
date = "2014-07-11T10:54:24+02:00"
draft = false
title = "dotScale 2014 as a sketch"
slug = "dotscale-2014-as-a-sketch"
tags = ["event","dotScale","sketchnote"]
image = "images/2014/Jul/titledotscale.png"
comments = true # set false to hide Disqus comments
share = true # set false to share buttons
menu = "" # set "main" to add this content to the main menu
Contents here
You can easyly create a new content with all metadatas used by this theme, using this command
hugo new -t hugo-theme-air post/
# build
$ hugo
$ cd public
# preview
$ jekyll server
$ rm -rf _site
# make repository
$ git init
$ git remote add origin $url
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "first commit"
$ git push -u origin master
# push branch:gh-pages
$ git checkout -b gh-pages
$ git commit -m "open pages"
$ git push -u origin gh-pages
# open
$ curl
Replace static/images/user.png
with myfile.
Please close the browser and rerun hugo server.
point :BaseUrl
, authorwebsite
last slash /
BaseUrl= "https://localhost/"
authorwebsite = "https://localhost"
logo = "images/user.png"
rewrite layout/index.html
{{ range $index, $page := $paginator.Pages }}
{{ .Render "li" }}
{{ end }}
{{ range .Site.RegularPages.ByTitle }}
{{ .Render "li"}}
{{ end }}
🪲 open an issue in github