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Distributed Replicated Database using Paxos [cs739-p2-replicated-database]

  • An implementation of a replicated in-memory KV-store using Multi-Paxos consensus algorithm.

Architecture Design

The logic of the code is divided into database & consensus portions. Each encompasses the algorithm implementations of the KV-Store and the consensus funcitons, respectively. In addition to the RPC functionality of the database endpoint exposed to the user and the consensus endpoint used to communicate amongst nodes.


Code details:

static member datastructures are instrantiated once and used to manage the node's state (similar to how singleton pattern works).

  • Consensus class: holds the consensus functionality and handles the command logs datastructure.
  • Database class: implements an in-memory key-value store.
  • ConsensusRPC: for the consensus endpoint, defines the typical RPC implementations for Paxos, such as propose, accept, and success. In addition to RPC functions used for testing purposes.
  • DatabaseRPC: defines the user-exposed endpoint for interactive with the replicated database service. Accepts requests such as get & set (alternatively used for delete operation). In addition to debugging RPC function, such as get_db to retrieve a database snapshot.
  • RPCWrapperCall functions: these intend to abstract the calls to the gRPC (which include setting up protobuf structures) and provide a clean programming interface without dealing with the generated stubs directly.

Note: as the deadline for the assignment approached, the modularity boundaries were violated, thus the code requires a round of refactoring to adhere to the original intention of the above modules.

Build process & Setup instrucitons:

For simplicity, the project generates a single binary file which can run serving the role of a cluster node or it can be run in user mode for testing the distributed service. All required repository setup scripts are included under ./script/*.sh.

  • Tools used in the project: CMake build tool, VCpkg package manger for C++, Git submodules to install alternative dependencies.
  • gRPC library & it's dependencies are installed locally using the package manager. (initial installation may take 15 mins).
  • External libraries used include: variadic table (submodule), Boost library (such as programs_options component), Termcolor, Google/Benchmark, etc.

How to use:

  • execute ./script/ to setup repo and install dependencies
  • run script → binary files in ./target
  • check for running the program

to run funcitons in script files (without copy pasting): $ (source ./script/<scriptname>.sh && <functioname>)

Algorithm Details:

Resources & Research papers:

Demonstration of consistency:
