###Requirements to run these experiments
####A nvidia card for nvidia specific extensions
- GL_NV_shader_buffer_load
- GL_NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory
####A video card that supports these extensions
- GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects
- GL_ARB_timer_query
- GL_ARB_debug_output
- GL_ARB_draw_indirect
- GL_ARB_base_instance
- GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters
- GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object
- GL_ARB_buffer_storage
- GL_ARB_map_buffer_range
- GL_ARB_sync
###How to build GLEW:
- git clone [email protected]:nigels-com/glew.git
- git checkout tags/glew-2.2.0 -b ogl_experiments
Why not install glew through package manager?
- make extensions (to generate src/glew.c GLEW)
- make
- sudo -s
- make install
- make clean
- use the project file in build/vc6/
###How to build GLFW:
- git clone [email protected]:glfw/glfw.git
- git checkout tags/3.3.8 -b ogl_experiments
- cmake .
- make
- Link a new project to the make file
Compares bindless vbo's vrs traditional vbos
Learning experiment on how to work with indirect rendering
Comparing traditional vs logrithmic writes to the depth buffer
Finding the amount of time it takes to send a texture to the gpu, write to it and then read it back
Renders GPU's rasterization pattern
Messing around with bit twiddling for the paper "Single Pass GPU Voxelization" section 6.
Gets the used depth of the scene in a single draw call.
Implementing the paper "Single-Pass GPU Solid Voxelization for Real-Time Applications".
A test to see if dFdx(position) and dFdy(position) are orthogonal
Tests wether a proj matrix needs to be transposed for dot product ops, and finds pixel sizes at different depths.
Demo project to experiment with opengl compute shaders. Renders out a 2D fluid simulation.
App to compare different buffer streaming techniques.