A curated list of free and .NET libraries for Windows Forms (winforms) with source code available.
Please note that you should check each project license requirement, as some projects are not released under MIT license.
Feel free to suggest your personal favorite library in the discussion tab, with an issue or, even better, a PR. Or open an issue if there is something wrong.
AdamsLair.ColorPicker A custom ColorPicker Dialog, similar to the one known from software like Photoshop, but also supporting alpha values.
Customizable ComboBox Drop-Down A combobox control with a customizable drop-down.
GroupControls .NET controls that display multiple sub-controls without creating a unique window handle for each child. Instead each child is drawn using the default renderers.
more.SecurityMatrix A highly configurable classic permissions and roles grid editor. It accepts a feed interface which must provide a list of roles, permission categories, and permissions. A demo feed implementation is part of the control.
Advanced DataGridView Advanced DataGridView is a .NET WinForms DataGridView with advanced Filtering and Sorting capabilities.
DrawnTable WinForms control based on PictureBox for creating versatile tables.
ImageListView A .NET listview control for image files with asynchronously loaded thumbnails.
Krypton OutlookGrid Krypton customized version of the .NET Winforms DataGridView (C#) that allows multi-grouping and multi-sorting. Featuring a TreeGrid mode, conditional formatting and additional custom columns.
ObjectListView ObjectListView is a C# wrapper around a .NET ListView. It makes the ListView much easier to use and teaches it some neat new tricks.
DockPanelSuite DockPanel Suite - The Visual Studio inspired docking library for .NET WinForms.
ExpandCollapsePanel ExpandCollapsePanel is WinForms control has similar to WPF Expander control. Control displays a header that has a collapsible window that displays content.
Krypton.Docking The Krypton Docking set of components allow the user to drag and drop docking pages into new locations in order to customise the organisation of the application content. It allows this in a way similar to that of Visual Studio 2008/2010. Each docking area uses an instance of the Krypton Workspace allowing a wide range of options for organising and displaying pages. It integrates with the Krypton Toolkit architecture to ensure a consistent look and feel.
more.Frame & PanelEx To understand the Frame control, you first need to understand its base control - the PanelEx. This control enables you to create non-client border around the PanelEx, and have WinForms respect it, for example, when docking children inside the PanelEx.
more.Prompt The Prompt control helps you consistently align your controls on the form. It adds a prompt and a glyph in front of them in a consistent way.
EasyTabs Library to enable .NET WinForms apps to easily render a set of tabs in their titlebar space, similar to Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.
Krypton.Navigator The Krypton Navigator is a user interface control that provides the user with a variety of ways to navigate around a set of pages. Think of it as a traditional TabControl on steroids. It has many different modes of operation allowing you to achieve exactly the right operation for your application. It integrates with the Krypton Toolkit architecture to ensure a consistent look and feel.
Krypton.Ribbon The Krypton Ribbon is designed to mimic the look, feel and operation of the ribbon control seen in the Microsoft Office 2007/2010/2013/365 applications such as Word and Excel. It provides advanced capabilities including the quick access toolbar, contextual tabs and auto shrinking groups. With rich design time support and sample code you can be up and running with the ribbon in no time at all. It integrates with the Krypton Toolkit architecture to ensure a consistent look and feel.
Ookii.Dialogs.WinForms Awesome dialogs for Windows Desktop applications built with Microsoft .NET (WinForms).
RibbonWinForms An Office Ribbon Control for .NET WinForms.
TabWizardControl Simple wizard control for .NET WinForms that extends a TabControl for this purpose.
WindowsRibbon Microsoft Ribbon Framework for .NET (Wrapper for C# and VB)
LightResize Embeddable image resizing library for console, WPF, & WinForms usage. Not suitable for use in ASP.NET applications.
more.SpriteGrid Raster image viewer (with mouse events and zoom), a basis for a sprite editor.
LiveCharts.WinForms Simple, flexible, interactive & powerful charts, maps and gauges for .Net, LiveCharts2 can now practically run everywhere WPF, WinForms, Xamarin, Avalonia, WinUI, UWP, Blazor-wasm, MAUI.
Microcharts.Forms Microcharts is an extremely simple charting library for a wide range of platforms (see Compatibility section below), with shared code and rendering for all of them!
more.DocumentPreview The DocumentPreview control paints the document background (the ornaments) and allows painting inside it, using native units. When the document needs to be painted, it triggers the paint event and your job is to paint into provided graphics context using native units.
more.Hierarchy You can use the Hierarchy control to visualise trees. The control only does the layouting; it expects your code to draw content inside events.
more.LabelEx Label that can rotate and supports transparency.
more.Monitors With the Monitors control you can show user his or her multi-monitor confiruation and enable him or her to to select one. This is useful for creating multi-monitor apps that open multiple windows. You can let user configure target monitors for these windows.
NodeEditorWinforms Node based user control / editor for Windows Forms.
ScottPlot Interactive Plotting Library for .NET.
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization provides basic charting for WinForms applications. Updated fork from https://github.com/dotnet/winforms-datavisualization with designer support.
Bindery Bindery aims to support fluent MVVM binding definition for WinForms applications.
EBind .NET Data Binding we deserve: concise, fast, feature-rich.
FlaUI UI automation library for .Net.
FluentDragDrop The sexiest Drag&Drop for WinForms on this planet.
MatthewJesse Lightweight and painlessly Turn-on/off MVC framework for C# Winform applications.
Verify.WinForms Extends Verify to allow verification of WinForms UIs.
WinformsMVP A Model View Presenter framework for the Winforms platform.
winforms-mvp Windows Forms example of the Passive View variant of the Model-View-Presenter pattern.
WindowsFormsLifetime A Windows Forms hosting extension for .NET Core's generic host. Enables you to configure the generic host to use the lifetime of Windows Forms. When configured, the generic host will start an IHostedService that runs Windows Forms in a separate thread.
Libraries of controls with a strong identity and look-and-feel. Controls are often not intended to be used alone.
AcrylicUI AcrylicUI is a Free Control and Docking Framework for .NET5+ WinForms. This framework was inspired by DarkUI by Robin Perris. However DarkUI does not support High Resolution Monitors, .NET 5+ and does not seem to be active.
AeroSuite AeroSuite is a WinForms Control Library that provides extended functionality for pre-existing controls and also new controls. Unlike most (if not all) similar libraries, this library is aimed at supporting every platform: Windows XP to 10 and Linux with Mono are supported.
DarkUI Dark themed control and docking library for .NET WinForms.
Krypton Standard Tookit The Krypton Toolkit provides a set of basic user interface components for free. You can distribute the signed Krypton Toolkit assembly without charge or royalty with your own products. The Krypton Toolkit is great resource for speeding up development of professional looking applications. It works in tandem with the MenuStrip, StatusStrip and ToolStrip controls that come with .NET Framework controls. Using the Krypton Toolkit you can create a great looking application in just minutes.
MaterialSkin Theming .NET WinForms, C# or VB.Net, to Google's Material Design Principles.
MaterialWinforms Windows Forms Controls with Material Design. I created this library out of two existing ones: https://github.com/IgnaceMaes/MaterialSkin https://sinister.ly/Thread-Tutorial-C-Material-Design-Lollipop-WinForms-UI Because i really liked them, but felt like some controls were Missing, so i added a few Custom ones and will add other ones as soon as i need them.
modernui Brings the new Modern UI alias Metro UI of Windows 8 to .NET Windows Forms applications.
ReaLTaiizor ReaLTaiizor is a UI/UX component library. It allows you to make modern designs using the various components it offers.