Web application screen that provides a visual GUI for software engineers who want to review the commit log for a given Git repository. The application does not connect to a real Git repository for now - it is faking the commit log messages, branch names, authors and other data. Most of the application is static with the exception of the filter toolbar, which allow the user to filter the visible commit history items based on what the user enters into the input field.
The screen contains three sections:
- A left-hand sidebar which allows the user to see a list of local and remote Git branches, as well as the name & organization of the repository. This area is not interactive for now.
- A top-head toolbar which contains a filter input and button which would allow the user to filter the commit history by a text string. When the user types into the filter input, it immediately shows the filtered results and hides the graph header and content.
- BONUS: When the user clicks on the Filter button, it modifies the URL query string.
- A commit table which shows a list of Git commits for that project with their description, commit hash number, author and date. A graph component shows a visual representation of the commits and branches in the project.
- When the width of the browser screen is less than 800 pixels, the sidebar disappears from view.
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/teffybiskup/commit-log
Go to the project directory
cd commit-log
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm start
To run tests, run the following command
npm run test
Client: React 18.2.0
Technologies and third-party libraries
- Code formatter
- Popular icons - currently using a down arrow icon and a circle icon for the branch tree view component
- Draw Git graph
- Unit testing
Connect to a real Git repository
Login page
Error handling
- Context API
- Table pagination
- Interactive branch list
- Ellipsis for real commit hash
- Commit date formatting
Filter by different fields besides commit description/message
Show Spinner/Loader component when:
- Getting branches info
- Getting commit history
- Filtering commits
GitGraph.js without mock data
Additional tests
Additional browser support
If as soon as the user types in the input field the system should immediately show the filtered results, why is the Filter button necessary?
A functionality to store the commit message filter was added to the button. Therefore, if the user refreshes the page, the filter will still be present.
It is assumed that the API will provide values related to colors and it will handle the business rule of showing branch data only for the most recent commit.
How to create a React app from scratch without using create-react-app package
How to use GitGraph.js
- Commit graph component was created based on the @gitgraph/react example
How to use useSearchParams
Browsers tested:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari