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@barryib barryib released this 17 May 20:24
· 572 commits to master since this release


  • Add support for Auto Scaling Group Instance Refresh for self-managed worker groups (#1224)
  • Drop asg_recreate_on_change feature to encourage the usage of Instance Refresh for EC2 Auto Scaling (#1360)
  • Add timeout of 5mn when waiting for cluster (#1359)
  • Remove dependency on deprecated hashicorp/template provider (#1297)
  • Replace the local-exec script with a http datasource for waiting cluster (#1339)


  • Remove provider from required providers (#1357)
  • Bump AWS provider version to add Warm Pool support (#1340)


  • Bump terraform-docs to 0.13 (#1335)


  • This module used random_pet resources to create a random name for the autoscaling group to force the autoscaling group to be re-created when the launch configuration or launch template was changed (if recreate_asg_when_lc_changes = true was set), causing the instances to be removed and re-provisioned each time there was an update. Those random_pet resources has been removed and in its place there is now a set of functionality provided by AWS and the Terraform AWS provider - Instance Refresh. We encourage those users to move on Instance Refresh for EC2 Auto Scaling.
  • We remove the dependency on the deprecated hashicorp/template provider and use the Terraform built in templatefile function. This will broke some workflows due to previously being able to pass in the raw contents of a template file for processing. The templatefile function requires a template file that exists before running a plan.


  • Using the terraform-aws-modules/http provider is a more platform agnostic way to wait for the cluster availability than using a local-exec. With this change we're able to provision EKS clusters and manage the aws_auth configmap while still using the hashicorp/tfc-agent docker image.