Installs Serf ( app on a Linux machine.
Will not update an existing install to a newer version. Still researching how to do that on a running environment.
Be default, the latest version will be pulled from
Will not start up Serf for you after it is installed. So far, this is just getting the installer scripted.
That you have unzip and curl or wget already installed on your machine
- Supports 32-bit and 64-bit platforms of Linux
- Tested on CentOS 6.4 and Ubuntu 12.04
- Should work fine on Debian, RHEL, etc.
Include the serf recipe to install serf on your system based on the default installation method:
- include_recipe "serf"
- serf['version'] - release version of serf to install, default is 'latest'
- upgrading/installer newer version when app actively running?
- Windows, OSX and BSD support
- determine when ARM architecture
Author:: Tyler Fitch ([email protected])