AgeXtend is a multimodal, bioactivity-based, and mechanism-backed Explainable AI Predictor for geroprotectors. AgeXtend supports 2 distinct work packages: Predictor and Browser. The first work package, Predictor, involves a bioactivity-based classifier (Geroprediction module) for predicting geroprotective compounds, coupled with an Explainability module providing mechanistic insights into biological processes behind the predictions, a Toxicity module to evaluate their toxicity in the biological context, and finally, a Target module that suggests protein targets of the putative geroprotective compounds. The second work package, Browser, allows users to explore through the 20 pre-screened databases specifically curated for these functionalities.
AgeXtend is free for academic institutions, however, for commercial utilization a commercial license key is required. Users (academic/commercial) may apply for a valid "License Key" here.
You can also generate your own predictions using AgeXtend’s Colab notebook
Major dependencies
- Signaturizer (v1.1.11)
- RDKit (v2022.3.1)
- Python (v3.8)
Minor dependencies
- os
- scikit-learn (v1.2.1)
- xgboost (v1.5.1)
- pandas (v1.4.3)
- numpy (v>=1.20.3)
- tqdm
- joblib (v1.1.1)
- matplotlib (v>=3.2.2)
- seaborn (v0.11.2)
- importlib
- importlib-resources (v5.7.1)
Quick setup
The file requirement.txt will be used for the environment setup and by running the following command.
$ pip install -r requirement.txt
$ pip install -i
To apply for the license click here
>>> from AgeXtend import Predictor
Activate AgeXtend license
>>> Predictor.license('license key') #Example: Predictor.license('KKKVFZ41111WF6RTQ')
AgeXtend supports 2 distinct work packages:
- Predictor
- Browser
Predicts the anti-aging potential for the input SMILES:
>>> from AgeXtend import Predictor
Prepare a list of canonical SMILES (Open Babel generated) strings
>>> smiles = ['ClCC=C', 'C=CCOC(=O)CC(C)C']
Create an AgeXtend type object to featurize the query compounds (i.e. list of canonical SMILES)
>>> agex_obj = Predictor.featurize(smiles)
Use the AgeXtend object for predictions
>>> output = Predictor.predict(agex_obj)
Get the list of resulting data frames that are part of the rest of the modules
>>> output.keys()
dict_keys(['Anti_Aging_Prediction', 'Explainability_Status', 'Explainability_Probabilities'])
Note: Explainability_Probabilities will be empty by default unless selected otherwise by supplying additional arguments.
Get the result of a specific output data frame
>>> output['Explainability_Status']
AgeXtend also supports the following modules along with the Prediction and Explainability modules, which can be chosen using the boolean option (True)
Parameter Name | Description | Type | Default value | Output (If True) |
probs | Probabilities of Explainability and/or Toxicity Module | boolean | False | Explainability_Probabilities / Explainability_Toxicity_Probabilities |
HC | Run Toxicity Module (Health Check) | boolean | False | Explainability_Toxicity_Status |
TS | Sub Explainability Level Tanimoto Similarity Test | boolean | False | Explainability_response |
BDL | BindingDB Target Information and Druggability (Lipinski Rule) | boolean | False | Druggability_and_Potential_Targets |
>>> output = Predictor.predict(agex_obj, TS=True)
>>> output.keys()
dict_keys(['Anti_Aging_Prediction', 'Explainability_Status', 'Explainability_Probabilities', 'Explainability_response'])
>>> output = Predictor.predict(agex_obj, HC=True, BDL=True)
>>> output.keys()
dict_keys(['Anti_Aging_Prediction', 'Explainability_Toxicity_Status', 'Explainability_Toxicity_Probabilities', 'Druggability_and_Potential_Targets'])
Predictor module also provides functionalities for efficient bulk data prediction
>>> Predictor.bulk_predict(input=smiles_list)
Or user can also use pre-calculated AgeXtend type object as input
>>> agex_obj = Predictor.featurize(smiles_list)
>>> Predictor.bulk_predict(input=agex_obj)
Parameter Name | Description | Type | Default value |
outfolder | Output Database type folder name | string | AgeXtendDB |
chunksize | Number of predictions input per iteration for faster job completion | Integer | 10000 |
Note The output folder of Bulk prediction function can be used as a Custom database for input in AgeXtend Browser module
To explore the AgeXtend pre-complied predictions of various databases:
>>> from AgeXtend import Browser
Use Open Babel to Generate Canonical SMILES format of the query compound as input
>>>'OC(=O)CCCc1c[nH]c2c1cccc2', output='/path/to/output/folder/')
Unzip the file to visualize/print the generated report (HTML format)
Note: the report file (AgeXtend_BrowserOut.html) must be in the same folder with the images folder
AgeXtend also supports the use of locally complied Predictor module outputs (Folder containing CSV format outputs)
Parameter Name | Description | Default Database |
path | Path to the AgeXtend pre-complied prediction database | gutMGene |
>>>'/path/to/Database/Folder/', query='OC(=O)CCCc1c[nH]c2c1cccc2', output='/path/to/output/folder/')
DB Name | DB version | FTP size | FTP link |
FooDB | Pre-release 1.0 | 63M | |
HMDB | v5.0 | 231M | |
IMPPAT | v2.0 | 4K | |
AfroDb | - | 756K | |
AgingAtlas | v1.0 | 748K | |
ChemBridge | - | 788K | |
ChemDiv BBlocks | - | 39M | |
CMNPD | v1.0 | 20M | |
DDPEDB | - | 4K | |
ECMDB | v2.0 | 4K | |
RepoHub | release-3/24/2020 | 3.9M | |