wamptest is a library created for testing WAMP services that is based on "unittest".
- v0.3.3
- Updated Uncaught Exception to print stack trace
- v0.3.2
- Updated all prints to print to standard error
- v0.3.1
- Moved final print messages to print to standard error to ensure they are always printed
- v0.3.0
- Added WAMPCRA auth handling
- v0.2.11
- Add flush of stdout so results are printed when there are errors
- v0.2.8-0.2.10
- Fixing issues with exceptions
- v0.2.7
- Added "assertRaises"
- v0.2.6
- Fixed issue with running tests back to back
- Improved documentation
- v0.2.5
- Initial revision
pip install wamptest
The Twisted library uses a method called "defers" with a reactor which is not friendly to the unittest library. I tried using "Trial" but it was also not suiting my needs since it needs to run a reactor. I wanted something that allowed test suites to be created for connecting to an actual router.
The library creates a class called "wamptest.TestCase" that subclasses from "autobahn.twisted.wamp.ApplicationSession" which will allow it to connect to a router. When you call "main" it will iterate through an array of test cases that will do the following
- Connect to the router using an ApplicationRunner
- For each test case in the test cases
- Iterate through the tests (any method that start with "test_")
- Gather pass/fail information
- Stop the reactor
- Print Pass/Fail summary.
The test is run by calling "main". Here is an example
code = wamptest.main(
test_cases=[ExampleTestCase1, ExampleTestCase2],
For WAMPCRA authentication, simply include "user" and "secret" in the call to main
code = wamptest.main(
test_cases=[ExampleTestCase1, ExampleTestCase2],
It supports the following "unittest" like life cycle callbacks
- setUpClass(cls): Called once at the start of the Test Case
- setUp(self): Called once before each test
- tearDown(self): Called once after each test
- tearDownClass(cls): Called once at the end of the Test Case
It supports the following "unittest" like asserts
- assertEqual(a, b, msg=None)
- assertNotEqual(a, b, msg=None)
- assertIsNone(a, msg=None)
- assertIsNotNone(a, msg=None)
- assertTrue(a, msg=None)
- assertFalse(a, msg=None)
- assertGreater(a, b, msg=None)
- assertGreaterEqual(a, b, msg=None)
- assertLess(a, b, msg=None)
- assertLessEqual(a, b, msg=None)
- assertRaises(exc, msg=None)
Writing tests must use inlineCallbacks to halt the test until completion. An example is as follows
import wamptest
class ExampleTestCase(wamptest.TestCase):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ExampleTestCase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.update = None
def test_1(self):
result = yield self.call("test.add", 1, 2)
self.assertEqual(3, result)
def receive_update(self, update=None):
self.update = update
def test_2(self):
self.subscribe(self.receive_update, topic="test.trigger.update")
yield self.call("test.trigger")
yield sleep(2)
self.assertEqual("test", self.update)
def test_3(self):
with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
yield self.call("test.trigger.exception")
At the completion of a test, a summary will be printed to the screen that looks something like the following
Connecting to the url: 'ws://router:8080/ws', realm: 'realm1'
Result: PASSED
Tests: 2
Passes: 2
Failures: 0
Errors: 0
Results are defined as follows
- UNKNOWN: No passes, no failures, no errors
- PASSED: At least 1 pass, no failures, no errors
- FAILED: At least 1 failure or error
To contribute, fork the repo and submit a pull request. I have the following known "TODO"s.
- Implement authenticated connections
- Make library discover test cases so you don't need to pass them in
- Exit on Exceptions (deferred library catches them on callbacks)
- When a failure is sensed in a test, the test still continues but the remaining errors are suppressed. Will need to figure out how to end the tests
The unit tests can be run with
%> python /tests/run_tests.py
This will test basic functionality. The overall system test (which will also run the unit tests) can be run by using Docker Compose. Connect to a docker host and type
%> docker-compose build
%> docker-compose up
This will run the unit tests as well as the system level tests. The service "wamptest_test_1" will return a 0 value if the tests were successful and non zero otherwise. To get the pass/fail results from a command line, do the following
#!/usr/bin/env bash
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
exit $(docker-compose ps -q | xargs docker inspect -f '{{ .Name }} exited with status {{ .State.ExitCode }}' | grep test_1 | cut -f5 -d ' ')
This is a little hacky (and hopefully Docker will fix it) but it will do the trick for now.
The Docker Compose file creates a generic router with an example service connected to it and then creates a test suite using "wamptest" to test the service.