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What is it:
Those are sources for a Maven archetype to get started with a GateIn/EPP extension quickly

How to use this archetype:

Note that this archetype hasn't been published to any repository at this stage, so you will need to:
	1) Download the sources
	2) Build the archetype project
	3) Create a project from this archetype
	4) Build the project
	5) Deploy

1) Download the sources:

Option a:
	If you have GIT installed:
		Type: git clone git://
Option b:
	If you don't have GIT installed:
		Download and unzip:

2) Build the project:
Do: "mvn install" at the root of the project

3) Create your project:

groupId:       is the groupId that you want for your project, choose the one you want.
artifactId:    is the artifactId that you want for your project, choose the one you want.
version:       is the version for your project, choose the one you want.
extensionName: is your portal extension name, pick a single word (no special character)

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.gatein.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=portal-container-extension -DgroupId=org.test -DartifactId=foo -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -DextensionName=myExtension

4) Build the project:
Go to the newly created folder and execute: mvn clean install

5) Deploy the project:
Get the ear file and copy it over to the deploy directory of GateIn or EPP.
Now if you start the portal and go to http://localhost:8080/portal you should see the front page changed.


This is the Maven archetype source to create portal extensions projects






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