This is an example integration of the Ticketmaster Ignite SDK, Tickets framework.
- Overview:
- Release Notes:
- Documentation:
- Frameworks:
- Android Source (Tickets SDK):
- iOS Source (Tickets SDK):
- Tickets SDK:
- Authentication SDK:
- Open TicketsSDKDemoIntegration.xcodeproj using Swift 5.9+ (Xcode 15.0.1+ or Xcode 16.0+)
- This will also download the required .xcframeworks using Swift Package Manager
- Update Configuration.swift with your own API key, available from
- Update TicketsSDKDemoIntegration target's Signing & Capabilities with your own Apple Developer certificate from
- Build and Run TicketsSDKDemoIntegration target
Update your API key and branding colors in Configuration.Swift
Authentication SDK is configured using settings from Configuration.Swift
Tickets SDK inherits it's configuration from Authentication SDK
A basic example of this is provided in MainMenuVC+Config.swift
There are 3 different ways to present the Tickets SDK:
- Push on Navigation stack (requires a UINavigationController in your app)
- Modal presentation on top of your own UIViewController (easiest to integrate)
- Embedded presentation within your own UIViewController (hardest to integrate)
Select the presentation method that best matches how you wish to present Tickets SDK within your own application.
Basic examples of all 3 methods is provided in MainMenuVC+TableViewDelegate
While not required, your application may want to control login-related processes directly.
- Login
- Member Info
- Logout
Tickets SDK handles Login/Logout on it's own, so there is no need for you to manually call any of these methods.
However, basic examples of calling Login, MemberInfo, or Logout have been provided in MainMenuVC+TableViewDelegate.
While not required, your application may want to be informed of operations and use behavior with Authentication and Tickets SDKs.
This information is provided via delegate protocols, basic examples are provided.
- TMTicketsOrderDelegate: optional delegate to be informed of non-analytics User-actions
- see: MainMenuVC+OrderDelegate.swift
- TMTicketsAnalyticsDelegate: optional delegate to be informed of User behavior
- see: MainMenuVC+AnalyticsDelegate.swift
- TMAuthenticationDelegate: optional delegate to recieve login state change information
- see: MainMenuVC+AuthDelegate.swift
While not required, your application may want to use Prebuilt Modules or even create your Custom Modules to display underneath the Tickets on the Tickets Listing page.
- TMTicketsModuleDelegate: optional delegate to implement prebuilt and custom TMTicketsModule to be rendered on the Tickets listing page
- see: MainMenuVC+ModuleDelegate.swift