Former rails developer, now product guy. Working @railslove on juicy products for the web.
- Cologne, Germany
kickerapp Public
Forked from railslove/kickerappThis is how we track skill at Railslove.
Ruby UpdatedJul 12, 2013 -
hcking Public
Forked from hacken-in/hacken-inA system to build event calendars
Ruby MIT License UpdatedApr 1, 2013 -
revealjs-template Public
Forked from railslove/revealjs-templatereveal.js Template for Railslove presentations
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 16, 2012 -
html5-rails Public
Forked from sporkd/html5-railsKickstart Html5 Boilerplate in your Rails app.
sitemap-generator Public
Forked from christianhellsten/sitemap-generatorsitemap-generator is a Rails plugin that makes it easy to generate sitemaps.
reactive_resource Public
Forked from justinweiss/reactive_resourceActiveRecord-style associations and miscellaneous fixes for nested ActiveResources
HTML Abstraction Markup Language - A Markup Haiku