Tool to template configuration files by environment variables and optionally replace itself with the target binary.
goenvtemplator is a simple app, that can template your config files by environment variables and optionally replace itself (by exec syscall) with the application binary. So at the end your application runs directly under the process that run this tool like docker as if it was originally the entrypoint itself.
This tool is ideal for use without polluting you environment with dependencies. It is fully statically linked so it has no dependencies whatsoever. If you use Dockerfile you don't even need wget or curl since it can be installed only by dockerfile's ADD instruction.
wget -O /usr/local/bin/goenvtemplator
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/goenvtemplator
ADD /usr/local/bin/goenvtemplator
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/goenvtemplator
goenvtemplator -help
Usage of goenvtemplator:
Print processed templates to stdout.
Activates exec by command. First non-flag arguments is the command, the rest are it's arguments.
-template value
Template (/template:/dest). Can be passed multiple times. (default [])
-v int
Verbosity level.
Prints version.
goenvtemplator -template /path/to/server.conf.tmpl:/path/to/server.conf -template /path/to/server2.conf.tmpl:/path/to/server2.conf
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/goenvtemplator", "-template", "/path/to/server.conf.tmpl:/path/to/server.conf", "-exec"]
CMD ["/usr/bin/server-binary", "server-argument1", "server-argument2", "..."]
Templates use Golang text/template.
There are a few built in functions as well:
env "ENV_NAME"
- Accesses environment variables. If it does not exist return empty string.{{ env "TIMEOUT_MS }}
require (env "ENV_NAME")
- Renders an error if environments variable does not exists. If it is equal to empty string, returns empty string.{{ require (env "TIMEOUT_MS) }}
default $default_1 $default_2 $default_3
- Returns a first argument that exists. If none is valid it generates error{{ default (env "SPECIFIC_TIMEOUT_MS") (env "GENERAL_TIMEOUT_MS") "1000" }}