this repo is no longer maintained
i'm learning magic:
- i try to follow the csound backwards compatibility philosophy here, so newer things are added without breaking old code
- there's usually a documentation string with each opcode's definition
- things are never perfect
- above all, have fun (someone on the csound discord had that as a status and i love it)
tries to mimick Aria's MSR as much as possible, but it's missing the queue/teleport triggers. it's an arbitrary-length, self-modulating, pitch-quantized sequencer. (this is how it all started)
is the same idea applied to rhythm, an arbitrary-length, self-modulating rhythm sequencer. (see issue #15)
is an external-trigger-driven Basemath
new versions without the modulation array inputs. all control is done from the calling instrument. they're a bit more effecient, and allow for more control (actually they just force you to use a certain way of sequence modulation which gives more control)
try to use those instead of the older ones. unless the modulation arrays are easier for the situation (but the idea is that they're doable from outside)
recently seen a tweet by Mog and went: "hey i miss that cute sequencer!" and 20 days later, here we are! this one tries to mimick Mog's Network sequencer
so lucky to have met you all 💜
(for now jam-59 and above are using mycorrhiza, so that's where examples are at)
differnt way to sequence, you manually control how to move and what the steps store.
perfuma is a rhythm sequencer, and rainstorm is a very stripped-down "value" sequencer
music/sounds, check them out for examples.
clock dividers, shift registers, 2d array utils, you name it! (they're a big flaming mess though)
phase modulation oscillator
running csound in server mode for live coding
- you'll need csound to execute the files here (grab it at
- you'll want to clone this project:
- using git:
git clone
- or you can just download the zip (though git is better because you can check for updates and stuff)
- using git:
- run whatever files you like by running
csound file.csd
in a command line (you can also run them in a gui frontend like csoundqt) - see the floss manual and the csound canonical manual for more details about the csound language
- make some noise and have fun
in the discussions tab there's links to gravity break and soundcloud if you wanna check out some of my jams
if you make something with these, i'd love love love to have a listen/look! also if you find anything confusing please feel free to open a discussion or an issue 💜